
I'm going into 9th grade tomorrow and I have hair clip-ons that make my bangs rainbow. Should i wear them?

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I'm going into 9th grade tomorrow and I have hair clip-ons that make my bangs rainbow. Should i wear them?




  1. no, i wouldn't do anything so bold just yet, wait until you get a better feel from your peers and then go do something different. you dont want to be seen as the weird chick with rainbow bangs on the first day of school.

  2. If you want you to should :)

  3. Ok 1st off im just wonderin are they like g*y right bangs or sumthin?......................anywayz I think u should go 4 it bcuz people will be able 2 see that ur outgoing and not so concerned wit wat others think of u

  4. If that doesn't violate school policy, and if you've got the guts to pull it off and match your clothing properly, then go for it girl!

  5. Why would you want to? You are going to school, not a fashion exhibit.  

  6. If it expresses who you are and you aren't going against any school rules, go for it!

  7. Well if your into looking like a second grader you should.

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