
I'm going into high school. Honestly, should I be nervous?!

by Guest32929  |  earlier

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the high school i'm going to is so big. and all the girls are so pretty and I'm just like...bleh. not ugly, not super pretty. I'm nervous i wont get a date to homecoming and allll my friends will, and I'm scared about just the whole high school experience. anybody have any tips or ANYTHING?! I'd appreciate it SO much.




  1. Don't fret! High School life is just the same, as usual... The subjects are more deep though.. You shouldn't be scared that you will not get a date. You say so yourself that you are not ugly. Here are some tips that I will give you:

    1. Be confident

    2. Be yourself

    3. Do not think of negative things about yourself

    4. Whatever is the problem, never give up

    5. Be sure to trust yourself

    Try these tips. I myself am a freshman this school year. These worked for me. I hope you'll appreciate my tips./..  

    Good luck!!!!!     :)  

  2. Use your high school experience to get a good education and a good career, the guy issue will fall into place. Guys like intelliegent girls.

    Go get em and good luck.

  3. First of all, just shut up.

    You haven't even started school yet and you're putting yourself down!

    How do you know if you're going to get a date or not if homecoming is months away?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

    It's not the end of the world, trust me.

    Just be true to yourself.

    It's the best advice I could give you.

    You're going to be fine, if not a stud in school.

  4. just be yourself..

    but it's not as easy as it me,i just turned high school

    not crushing your confidence ok?

  5. Hi! To tell you the truth, there is nothing to worry about. High school was awesome! Of course there will be the girls who don't like you, but who cares? They will talk a lot of bull, but that's only because they think it makes them cool. When, in reality, being cool isn't about everyone being your best friend, but about you being yourself. Be a leader, not a follower. I know all of this sounds stupid, but my mom told me all of this before I went into high school and in the end, you'll find out it's all true. High school was a breeze for me. I loved it and would go back if I could (it's much easier than the *real world* lol). Umm...I guess if you get into a bad situation and need someone to talk to you can email me ( I've been through ALL of it...and there are a lot of times you wish it would all just end, but everything happens for a reason. Everything will be fine, you'll see!

  6. not really high school is the same drama drama drama just try to stay away from all that and everything should be fine.

  7. The first thing you need is self-consciousness. Then everything else won't be that hard. You just have to believe in yourself and like yourself.

    And don't get all mad because of the girls, just be yourself.

  8. certainly you have no reason to feel nervous! think of all the thousands of people, boys and girls, who have been there, who are there, who will go to high school later: surely all of them can't be far superior to you, quite a few are on the same level as you in everything, and a few are less fortunate than you in terms of courage, merits, talents and good looks! High school is fun experience, in essence, it is about the best part of your life! You ARE going to like it, you are going to do well! Cheer up, just be yourself, be confident, look forward to it: you are going to do well!

  9. You shouldn't worry about something like a Homecoming date before classes even start! A lot of times, high school dances seem like the end-all-be-all of coolness, like if you don't have a date you're the biggest loser, but it's not true at all. You never know how your girlfriends will decide to roll- maybe you all just go as a big group, or maybe you'll meet a cool guy in class that you can go with. You don't have to worry about being drop dead gorgeous because seriously, even if guys try to fake it, they kinda dig the whole being able to carry a conversation thing with a girl. I remember having way more fun at the dances I went to with my friends than the few I had dates to- wayyy more chill.

    Otherwise, if you're worried about being a small fish in a big pond, join up some clubs or sports teams and don't be afraid to reach out to people in class and just say hey. There are going to be tons of nervous people, and many who are from out of the area, so be friendly and you can make tons of new friends.

  10. well, it's just a natural reaction for you to be nervous but you should not be overwhelmed with that. To tell you, high school is the happiest part of going to school. All you have to is to be yourself. Try to gain your self confidence. Don't be too scared of being outcasted or somehow left. Be friendly. Try to search for those you think are easy to get with. Those who you think are friendly. Show them you're approachable. Don't worry. You can do it. :D

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