
I'm going into high school and i don't really have that many friends?

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Ok so mainly i have 4 really good friends- 2 guys and 2 girls, they are all the same age as me. One girl is a really good friend, but we don't have any classes together this year, not even lunch. The other girl was my best friend for 3 years, but now i think she's really boring and we never have anything to talk about. She's also hanging out with a lot of seniors and being really sarcastic and attitude-y. The 2 guys are pretty great, but 1 i haven't seen at all this summer, and the other only once. I'm afraid they're kinda forgetting about me. Other than those 4, i have maybe 5 people i'm really well-aquainted with, but they all have their own totally different groups of friends. Basically, what i'm asking is how can i be sure to keep the friends i have and make more?




  1. Lots of people lose touch in the summer, if you're really friends things will be fine come school time. People are just busier in the summer. High school will probably be bigger than your middle school so there will be more people to meet and become friends with. Remember quality not quantity. It sounds like you have 4 very good friends which is way better than having 40 crappy friends. Just to let you know I completely changed groups when I came to high school although I thought my friends from middle school were my best friends. People change, friends come and go: just go with the flow.

  2. i was a freshman last year and its true how they say you will know who find out who your real friends are. I love high school but the thing i hate is sometimes knowing the persons pass can be a could idea. I met a lot of bad people and I lost my other friends to keep your friends around and make others since you guys don't have classes join a club together! Thats what me and my friend are doing this year so we don't drift apart like last year.

  3. u cant people grow apart just try and keep em 4 as long as u can but u cant keep all your Friends. U can always make more

  4. well thats how i was last year but i went into school saying that i WOULD make friends and it worked! not really popular but i have some popular friends and some not so popular friends....just be friends with everyone and make sure you dont ignore your other friends...

    so just go inot the school year telling yourself that you WILL make friends...make a huge effort to talk to everyone and even butt into peoples convos a little...this might seem weird but once people realize you wanna be friends and start to know you they'll tlak to you and wanna hang just be really confident and make a huge effort to make arrangements with your close friends out of school

  5. when going to high school people do tend to break from their old groups. but true friends always find a way to stick together. maybe you should call up all your friends and go with the group to a movie or the mall. do something you all liked to do together before.

    don't worry. you seem like a really nice and loyal friend. you will make new friends in no time. everyone has these insecurities about their old friends and making new ones when going to high school.  

  6. just talk to everyone one in your classes. when lunch time rolls around, be very friendly and plan a lunch date. ask around to see if they know anyone other than you so that you can become friends with their friends. good luck

  7. in your classes you have this year,

    try making friends with the people that sit around you,

    ask them to hang out with you at lunch.

    find something that they're interested in that you like too,

    and talk about it.

    i know this advice is lame,

    but i use to be the same way when i moved to a new school,

    now i have a looooot more friends and im never home.

    im always out with my friends all the time now

  8. I hate to be the one who tells you. Once you graduate from high school most of your friends seem to go their separate ways. You break away and become independent. In order to keep your frinds that you already have, you need to make an effort to stay in touch with them and hang out with them other than just school. In order to make new friends, you have to be outgoing. I noticed when i was in school i was left out of everything because i was shy, and did not have any self confidence in myself. And because i did not feel good about myself others did not either. Just never stay anti social, become outgoing and self confident and others will see it and be drawn to you.

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