
I'm going into high school what can i do to not be a downcast?

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I'm going in to high school and i need tips to get popular and not be nerds like on drill bit taylor.




  1. Confidence and the knowledge that people love you and nobody who trashes you can possibly affect you because they do it out of insecurity.

  2. what's "a downcast"? just be friendly and quote The Godfather CONSTANTLY. but not in the italian accent.

  3. BE YOURSELF. Be CONFIDENT about yourself and to others.

  4. I know it is big when you are going but wait until you go to college and you see how stupid high school really is. Long story short is be yourself and dont be fake people will like you for that. High school can be really fun none the less though only if you make it out to be that way. Just be relaxed.

  5. be yourself dont be a drama queen and just chill

  6. I bet ya meant "outcast" instead of "downcast", eh?

    I like the other fellow's answer! He's right. Do not stress about popularity.

    There are more important things to worry about. What you want to do is know yourself. Learn what you love, your passions, and follow them, no matter who laughs at you/hates you for doing it.

    You'll be popular with the people whose opinions really count. ;)

  7. dont take anyones bullshit

    be yourself

    and be better than people in some things, even if its getting the best grades!! which is the most important thing!

  8. Be confident, and smile.

    Walk with your head up, and stand straight.

    You will knock them dead.

  9. Well you sure want to fit in, don't you.

    I just want you to remember that high school counts. It's not like middle school, where grades don't matter. How you do in high school affects whether or not you can go to college.

    The truth is that smart kids are popular. People hate the classic middle school popular kids. In high school they want to see individuals, trend setters. You have to be yourself, work hard in class, be active in your school, and be nice to other people.

    Realize that kids who think they are popular, aren't. If you act like a nerd in the class room and are nice to people outside of it you will make a ton more friends.

  10. just stay out of the way of all us upperclassmen!

  11. Be social

    Be active

    Be yourself.

    And whats wrong with Drill Bit? I heart em......

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