
I'm going into highschool...EXTREMELY NEROUVS HELP ME PLEASE I HAVE a big ISSUSE?

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So I am going into highschool (grade 9).

Question : Is is hard to make freinds?? Is it hard to make the sports teams, because I am very into Volleyball Basketball Soccer.exc

Is it true if you join like clubs and groups it will make it funner and make time pass buy more quickly??

I am in academic and I majorly got into some badddd habits of not doing homework, and loving to p**s teachers off for the fun of it , is that bad??


Ok so in grade 8.

There was the boy, and he really liked me and I liked him right.

So we sort of were goigng on then we broke up and got all of his freinds to hate me.

He tells lies and rumours about me and his best freind, CONSTANTLY MAKES fun of me infront of everyone and I havent said 1 word to him in MIDDEL SCHOOL. He gets people to hate me with all his rubbish lies, he calls me a man to every guy i talk to to try n get them to hate me.

I meen its one thing if they hate me for being what I am but to hate me and belive what that a**hole is saying like c mon, when the he*l is karma gonna take its place. he think hes a big shot and all, and the older kids all love him bc of his 2 older sisters that recently graduated there.

Sooooooo...i basically said you think ill get buy with out any heartaches and without them constaly on my back?!?!


As an esacpe plan,

If one day i have a really bad at school, an old teacher told me to go back and visit her( elemschool) She always makes me feel better - she even cried on my graduation and gave me gift.

So if i have a bad day going ther will make me feel better.

Can someone who you know is maby a therepist, can help me out with my problem, id be willin to give out a juicy best answer of 10 points.

God bless u all u can help me




  1. Lol a juicy 10 points? If I were you, I would try to get rid of this a*8hole or at least do something about it. He can ruin your 4 years

  2. Ok, I have not only graduated high school with similar issues as you, but I have two younger sisters who are there right now and I'm coaching them through it.

    Friends: don't be shy, don't be afraid to talk to people and join clubs/teams/even help people in class, and they will all like you.  If you don't give them anything to not like, they will have no problem.  Just make sure you find commonalities (perhaps if someone asks a question you know, answer it then introduce yourself).  Clubs and teams are good to join if you have the time and like the clubs you are in, because you find people who like the same things as you.  Try them!!!!

    Sports: yeah there are people competing for spots, but it is very hard for them to completely reject you.  as long as you are good at the sports, im sure you will have a very good chance at getting on a team.  they always want more than enough people to make sure they dont run out.

    I recommend don't p**s teachers off.  Don't stress about homework, do the big projects on time and make sure you study for tests, but I was never really strict on little homework assignments (it makes life way easier).  Dont p**s the teacher off though k? cause that causes lots of problems and they wont take your side if you ever need a helping hand.

    With the boy: I know what you are feeling, I went through exactly the same thing when I was 17.  It sucks, but you know what? Have confidence to not care, if you show him it doesnt bother you he will drop it.  thats what i did, even though the rumours made people not like me, and he stopped doing it.  Make new friends, and dont be afraid to say hi to him in the halls; if he sees hes not bugging you, he'll stop being a bully.  Try it, i think it'll work.

    Good luck, and feel free if you want any more adivce to contact me back.

  3. That guy needs to grow up. Being picked on is no good feeling. Just know that every dog has his day. Stay away from that guy and his little buddies. Stay positive in mind so that you can do good in school . Do not p**s of the teacher because they hold your grades in their hands. And at the senior stage of your schooling the teachers may keep saying that the pen is mightier than the sword. Just be cool  and pray. God bless.

  4. so.... i was just as scared as you, it is easy to make friends, and you sound pretty athletic so if you do make a team, that is the BEST way to meet new people. it is harder to make teams at some schools than others, depending on the area you live in. you definitely want to join clubs, in fact most schools have a club kickoff day, were you can see all the different clubs and figure out your favorites. (i loved it so much i became an officer)

    as for academics, i love to ttalk in class, and that was a problem with me too, but you will learn to adapt to each teacher. but if you have a teacher who loves you as much as the lady you mentioned, you will be fine.

    as for  the kid who is bugging you,  in high school you will never have to deal with him again unless you choose to. Most of the people who were popular in middle school will be nobody's in high school, or they will become drug addicts. so seperate your self ftrom them, high school is your chance for a fresh start

  5. AAAAA.......Good luck with all that.

  6. I know it might be nerve wracking starting high school but it is honestly no big deal. You'll make friends really easily, just be yourself and try not to be someone else. Sports and clubs are a great way to make friends, just try out for the team and if you make it you make it. If you don't, you have three more years! Anyone can join clubs which is cool, I didn't do any clubs and sports my freshman year and just took it easy and focused on school.

    About the homework, just do it. Take some time out before you go to bed and do it, or do it during free time in another class (that's what I always did, ended up doing nothing at home). And don't p**s off your teachers for the fun of it, thats so lame. Just talk c**p about them behind their backs with your friends, hehe.

    And about your ex, just ignore him. Ignore all of them, if your ex really made your "friends" not like you by spreading rumors and lies then they are not really your friends. Friends would defend you and stick up for you in that kind of situation.

    Also you should visit your old teachers, they can do some pretty cool stuff for you (getting into college wise) and find you cool things to do. If you ever feel really stressed out or confued, talk to the school counsler/parent/ or teacher.

  7. wow, people are SOOO lame on here. grow up. okay so, highschool is nothing but a popularity contest, but dont let that control you. I'm a senior, and let me tell you that EVERYONE is having the same thoughs and feelings that you are right now that are freshmen. Friends arent hard to make. you just gotta give it some time. uhm, clubs and **** always help you meet ppl with the same interist. what elseee? Sports.. well they are ALOTTT of work, and they will take over your life, but if its your passion, go for it. it will be worth it. this is supposed to be the best 4 years of your life, go in with the right attitude, because they decide basically your life, sad but true. Colleges look at from now til your jr year, so be involved and make good grades.

    oh ps-

    dont let that punk run his mouth about you. Do what you gotta do girl =D

    best answer? haha  

  8. Well I am not a therapist, but I am a senior in high school if that helps.

    From what I've read, you ae way too scared to go to high school. Trust me, relax. It's not as scary as it sounds.

    Is it hard to make friends?

    Did you make a lot of friends in middle school? High School is only a little bit different. I was friends with the same people in the 9th grade as I was in the 8th grade. You might lose some friends, but you will gain new friends. It just depends on your personality. If you're a nice person, you won't have any problem making friends.

    If you're good at sports, you will probably make the team. If you love Volleyball, and if you're good at it, you will most likely be on a team.

    Clubs are fun. I dreaded joining them until this year, and they are so much fun. We have movie nights, we help the environment, and we stop hate (to a certain degree) against g*y people. I am in environmental club and g*y straight alliance, and I really enjoy them. Just pick a club that catches your attention.

    Yes. That is bad. Girl, you gotta do your homework. It's not that hard in the 9th grade, but 12th grade, you're getting drowned in homework.

    And pissing teachers off is bad too. It really depends on the teacher actually. I tell some of my teachers they're weird and they take it as a compliment. Others get really mad. Just make sure the teacher that you're picking on has a good sense of humor first.

    About that boy. I'm not really into violance, but you're gonna be in high school. So you need to toughen up. Not get into a physical fight, but you need to tell him to back off.

    And you don't need a counselor. I need a counselor. I am dreading my graduation day. Just remember, if something is bothering you, your old teacher will be there for you.

    Good luck, and don't be scared. High School is really fun.


  9. well im going to grade nine too, but where im from when your in grade nine thats means your still in middle school ...

    But, my sister is in high school, she said that its almost like your first day of middle school, except everything is bigger, and there is even more people you dont know yet.

    and im pretty sure it will be easy to make friends. If you did in Jr. high then you can in high school. can you? just be yourself, and you should make friends.

    sports ... hmm, well it might be harder to make teams because there are more people, and some of them could be better at that sport than you, but you should still try out, you never know what will happen : D

    Clubs are always fun, well ... if you like what you in..

    and havent you heard the saying time flys when you having fun ! lol

    and yes it is bad not doing homework , espically in high school, thoses are the years you really have to work hard, and prepare for your furture (i know sounds corny, but its true) so i would try your hardest, to do your homework. and try not to p**s the teachers off too much, but a little fun wouldn't hurt anyone :p

    and about that boy .. -.-' sound like a pain in the **** :p

    well you could ask him what is problem is... or if he doesnt change when your in high school, when you talk to him you could say i really though you changed over the summer .. well i guess not ... or you could just ingore him , and if someone asks about the rumors/lie tell them otherwise, and say that its just your stupid immature ex bf telling his usual lies ..

    and yeah that escape plan sounds good, its good that you talk to someone about your problems :p

    hope i helped a bit, i knows its long but, what odds :p

    lol best of luck in high school !

  10. ok every one is nerouvrs one the frist day there is nothing to be nerouvrs about once you are there the next 3 days you are useto it all and then you'll fell better about everything then you'll realize that there was nothing to be nerouvrs about.


  12. wow ummm

    your social life sounds like a friend of mine. Get into video games and avoid contact with any other life. As for homework, if everybody hates you, you've got nothing better to do. I found, if you do your homework, everything else just sorta takes care of itself. I hate doing homework and dont feel motivated to do it until lunch the next day. Just make sure it gets done, copying or whatever you have to do

  13. Get involved in as many clubs and activities as you can. You got this far and have made good friends with your elementary teacher so good for you!!! Keep it up. Keep in touch with your elementary teacher as it always helps to have a good friend to talk to and she seems cool.

    As for that jerk who is giving you a hard time. If it starts again, just go right to your teacher and report it. This guy is wrong and out of line and that's that. Teach him that you deserve respect.

    Take school seriously and do your school work. It's important and why you are there.

    God bless. Good luck. Keep in touch with your friend, the teacher in elementary school. Lucky you. I never had a teacher who wanted to keep in touch.

  14. Wow...

    Your life seems... Confusing.

  15. Well no actually but i moved during my second semester in 10th grade then it was hard because everyone already had their group of friends and stuff but no it won't be dont worry as long as ur friendly but dont be too friendly people may take advantage... second if your good at sports it should not be hard i could not make the dance (way different from the way i dance) and third yes it can i was in one club(HOSA- for medicine) my 9th grade year and i was fun we helped at hospitals and took care of kids in kindergarden. and in 10th i was in three clubs(pep club, HOSA, interact club) but i moved and its good to get in clubs with ur friends its wat makes it fun... and fourth that was like me half of my friends were bad influences in 9th grade i was never like that. but once i was in 10th i got into studyin cause thats the way parents have always raised me and that was that one year

    but dont worry if now ur serious about your education just do everything you have to and wat teachers say be polite, do your work, and interact with the school that will help you and dont worry just get into studying and you should be fine  

    and fourth yea trust you'll meet a bunch of new people and cute guys!

    and just try to ignore them ok ... um i had 2 teachers always helped me when i had issues and one of those teachers turns out i was going to her church

    but now im back in california and was going to go but never went she seemed like a great therapist her name was allyson haber

    i couldn't go maybe you can


  16. Its hard to make teams but not very difficult, if you are athletic and strong you should do well. You also have to be smart too probably, get good drades i mean. Sounds like a bunch of drama **** with your ex, don't worry about it you will find more people, and if they mature they will forget about it.

  17. u need some help. why the **** do u care that much about yourself.

  18. don't worry about it, high schools awesome and easy, everyone is friends with everyone else no one cares about that anymore...

  19. you are going to get your *** kicked

  20. I had the same problems but if ur shy stuff will happen I was so shy when I went but I keept on saying I can do this & guess wut I love high school so much i did'nt wanted to leave home lol high school rocks

  21. forget about the loser, there are always people out there to get you...your starting fresh now, you will make friends, and joining  a sport is good if you think you can keep your grades up

    dont be such a hard @SS with teachers, thats not gonna get you anywhere in school...highschool is actually the beginning if you s***w up in high school then no college is gonna want you...sporst can help you maintain good grades, and meet people

    youll be fine if you play your cards right...go to whoever comforts you by listening and talking...youll be good, just dont worry about this kid you call your ex...he is being immature GOOD LUCK

  22. omg do NOT turn to drugs and stuff for this. Just always be yourself and everything will fall into place... I know that sounds corny but it is SO true.  If you're yourself, than you won't have any trouble with friends. For sports teams... it's different at every school. Some schools are more competitive and it's harder to make teams... but you shouldn't have too much trouble. If you ARE into clubs and groups, than yeah of course it would be fun. But if not, you'll find other ways to pass the time like.. hanging out with friends or playing sports... whatever you're into. Yeah you're 'bad habits'... probably not good. I mean, it's ok to have a little fun but don't get into too much trouble, it will only make school harder. For that guy you talked about... YEAH that sucks. But my advice is, just be yourself and show everyone at school who you REALLY are, and that that guy tells only lies. Also, maybe you could talk to him- I know, it would be hard- but you could tell him that he's really hurting you and you just want to be friends. And that's awesome that you have a teacher to go to... I do too and it helps a LOT on a bad day. wow... I wrote a lot! hope it helps! and good luck!

  23. not hard to make friends at all. you just meet so many new people its hard not to. sports can be tough. i joined lacrosse last year and i got in it no problem. if ur good, dont worry. umm idk about clubs cause i didnt really join many. it is a lot of fun though. yes it does go faster if ur more involved. the teachers are tougher in highschool! dont try and p**s them off that much. just see what they are like first, THEN play with their minds =] omg you will so get by without troubles with this guys friends. in highschool, people change. they will probably go off in seperate groups and forget about it. so will this guy. if not, ur new friends will sooooo back u up.the escape plan is not  a good idea. in every highschool they have security guards around. go to ur new counsler in school! they are always helpful. hope this helps! im going into 10th grade this year, and lasr year was awesome. u will get by without any trouble cause its not as bad as u think! i was freaking out last year but it was amazing. just chill and have fun! =D

  24. well talk back to him tell lies about him heheheheheheh i have a good plan go on a FAKE date with him get the friends u have if u have any and do alll stuff funny liek glue on his seat do that in the morning becouse alot of cameras look at you in classs so do it secretly if he blames it at you tell the teacher that he keeps telling lies about you next yuou can do is to well just torture him tell him that hes sad to be felling regret about you tell him your to good for him and plus hack him {get 1 of your friend to do it} AND IF All that fails you may have to..... {slowly} use violence  or stay away from him keep smiling and ignoring him try that ok choose this as a best answer plz

  25. haha high schoolers.

    drop out and get your ged.

    it will take you like a week.

  26. I just entered ninth grade myself and guess what, it is so much FUN!!! You will love it!! Its a little nerve-racking on the first day, but you start to meet your old friends and new people. All the boys are going to be from different schools so once you get to know them, you could start to get some dates. As for that ex of yours, in the first week of school find the office and fill out a counselor request form make sure to say "MY LIFE IS RUINED. I DON"T THINK I CAN STAND IT ANYMORE!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" This actually works and the counselor will call you right away.

    Talk to the counselor about your ex, eventually she will call your ex and both of you can talk about this. If it still doesn't work, I want you to forget about those mean people. The boys you will meet later on the year, will be hot and will not now about your past. Once you get a boyfriend you can sit down and talk to him and explain about these stupid rumors people are saying about you. Remember one word: KARMA.

    Join clubs next year because you'll know the school better, plus 9th grade year can get tough. You can join clubs and sports make sure you only join one. Those are also good ways to meet new people who share the same interests with you. Best of Luck!  

  27. oh god dont show the 10th graders youre nervous. unspeakable things will happen. but youll definetly get you head flushed first day. no doubt about that one.

  28. ok so high school is a big step up but dont be worried i was too. If you have a couple close friends your good you will meet new people just be nice and outgoing it should be fine. You just have to be willing to meet new people.

    For sports its usually not that hard to make a freshman(modifided) or jv team if you try your best. Just practice and if you dont make one then there is always the next season. What i do is track because i want to stay in shape and there are no cuts so you dont have to worry about making the team or not. I do another sport outside of school too.

    For academics i would try your hardest to do your homework because that is mainly what determines if you pass or fail most of the time in high school. For the teachers i would try to get on there good side beucase it will help you. Meaning no detention or anything like that. But its ok to be funny!! Many people like humor in class just not attention drawn to you all the time.

    Boyfriend! ok so i think you should just talk to him and tell him how you feel. If he is that much of a jerk and wont listen then ignore them and if you hear them start telling people the truth just be nice and it should be fine. If he makes fun of you ignore him or stick up for yourself! Turn around and be like what did i ever do to you! just explain other people will see you did nothing.

    Lastly its always good to have another adult to go to for help. It helps you vent and let your feeling out

    hope it helped!

  29. Okay. I had the same problem. I just started 9 th grade like 1 and a half weeks ago. So I no how you feel. I had ppl who would make fun of me and call me a guy and say that I am stupid. (and also many things I am not going to say)  All I did was that I stopped taking their Sh*t. so you should stop putting up with thier Sh*t. Now for your questions:

    I didn't think it was hard to make new older friends. Also you can make the teams easily in High school becaus they have both a Varsity and a JV team. So basicly it's easy to make the team.

    yes if you join clubs it helps you make more friends. If you play in the band I highly sugest that you join the Marching Band. Also joining clubs makes High School a much better experience.

    I will saying that pissing the high school teachers are one of many things that you can do that will get you into ALOT of trouble. Also I think you should start doing your homework.

    But I hope that High School is very fun for you. If you want a new freind you can e-mail me. I am always looking for new friends. my e-mail is

  30. hey hey im going into grade 9 too its ok we all throw isuues in skool me and my friends used to get into really hard core fihgts about ramdom stuff all the time but i just think its a whole macurity thing as u get older ur start to grow out of it that dosnet mean that people wont p**s u off and stuff and ur still get in fights but u just have to learn to work it out and not stress about it normally if the peolple u hang out with make u stress out there not really good to be around just try to make hihg school a fresh start for u   also try to avoide the peolpe who make u unhappy( schools gonna be much bigger now so u dont have to hang out wiht them all the time so dont worry about it         good luck next year !!!

  31. what

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