
I'm going into highschool next year 8th grade was a bad grade wise year for me whats the problem?

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Before mid-seventh grade i'd always be a b-b plus student but then in mid-seventh grade i got a c- in geography then my dad got pissed at me and now my family has never been the same with me and i try to avoid them now. But in 8th grade my grades got real bad mostly d's and f's a few c's ive also been getting a h**l less sleep because of the problem with my parents i now have to study more and i do all my homework but still end up with terrible grades i rarely study but i can't really seem the problem i used to be in almost advanced math now im failing it. In class i always seem to be not much of a help. Is this because of my loss of sleep, too much stress with my parents yelling at me or something else? Because i really want to do good in high school.




  1. First of all, many kids have this experience.  So much is going on in your life, with friends, your parents and just general changes.  The good thing is that you can change it all around.

    First, do you help out at home in any way.  Maybe, you could ask your Mom or Dad, "What chores can I do during the week to help?" Make it the same chores each week, maybe one a day... that is reasonable... and be sure to keep a chart for yourself as a reminder... do it without being told... just get home from school, have a snack, then do the chore.  Helping with the dishes or maybe vacuuming once a week, plus keeping your bedroom clean (at least once a week), well anyway you can help at home might take some pressure off, especially your MOM.  She probably works, has all that laundry to do each week, cleans, gets the groceries, she really does a lot.  If you help in your way. you will be showing them you are responsible and this is important... because you want them to know you are responsible since in a few years you are going to want to drive... so start showing them this now... Responsible kids get to drive and it is the small and large things that show you are being responsible... keeping curfew, not smoking, calling them to let them where you are, so they won't worry.  The next thing to do is get started right at the beginning of school.  Get an assignment planner.  From the first day keep your assignments in the planner... be very diligent about this... then when you have time in class to do the assignment, do it.  Get a study buddy, someone you can talk to about the math questions, someone to ask questions on the night before a test.  Turn in every piece of homework on time... and if it is late (once in awhile) be sure to go to the teacher, apologize, be sincere and he/she will probably accept it.  I guess it boils down to keeping ahead of the ton of work before it weighs you down.  Do your English reading every night.. read 20 pages... keep a chart.

    The last thing to do is tell your parents you are getting off to a good start... they will be proud of you... and you will be proud of yourself again.

  2. You just admitted that you rarely study. Don't you think that has a lot to do with your grades? Your parents/family also aren't much help. But all in all, you can't blame everything on stress. I work a full time (60 or more hours a week) job, (I own my own business), I am raising an autistic and bipolar child, and two other children as well (ages 9, 5 and less than 2), and I still have a 3.8 GPA.

    My life is beyond stressful. I am also bipolar and suffer from severe anxiety...and I'm not medicated.

    You need to sleep properly, ask for HELP, get tutoring, and get studying. Your education is the only way you're getting anywhere in life. Stop s******g around and blaming everything on everyone else.

  3. You have senoiritis!

    dont worry everyone gets it!

    you become lazy and you can't find to study, things start to seem ten times harder. Just make sure to NOT do that in upper school it can really hurt you GPA! Next year just calm down, cut out TV make an effort to study and get all your homework done before you go online. and you'll be fine. As for your parents you need to tlak to the ingoring them will do nothing! Tell them how you feel when there always yelling at you and it's really stressing you out and is not helping you but hurting you. Ask them to help you study and keep you on track with your homework for the first couple mounth (I know it will make you feel two but it really helps)

    Oh and when you get to high school ALWAYS make sure to respect your upperclassmen and dont be obnouios, trust me its best if the upperclassmen don't know you!


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