
I'm going nuts with my little

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My 5 month old daughter will not let me out her down. She has been like this for quit some time i'd say since 2 months. She seems to get bored VERY easily. We have bought ever toy known to man and nothing seems to entertain her for longer than 10 minutes. My husband says it's my fault b/c i cater to her all the time but i don't like the cry out method although i will admit i've had to use it a time or two. Does any one have any ideas on how i could entertain her? She's fine if i'm always hoovering over her and playing with her but i want her to be alittle more independent for the times i can't be there?!?! i'm so lost.




  1. I dont have an answer for you bc my 8 month old son is exactly the same way! I just wanted you to know I feel your pain and am excited to see if some other mothers have ideas about it.  The only thing that does occupy his time for a couple hours though is his johnny jump up, its kinda like a mini swing thing you hang from the doorway and they just sit there and bounce up and down using their own little legs and it helps them to learn to walk and gain leg strength, the only thing is you have to have woodwork around your door ways to use it and I dont!! We can only use it at my parents house!  

  2. maybe you can get her some of those baby einstein videos and see if that helps, they are great and keep the babys attention very well and its not like normal tv its just pictures letters and words to expand their minds. also, try playing peek a boo with her so she starts to understand that even if she cant see you, you will always come back. she is at an age where she is learning that her cries bring mommy so let her fuss a little (not scream crying) especially if she has nothing wrong with her, you dont want her to associate cying with bringing mommy. good luck:)

  3. let her cry or just hold her all the time. Stop buying toys, how do you think she is gonna be when she is older? Do you think she will all of the sudden grow up and expect you not to coddle her anymore? If she is bored you play with her or just hold her. If you don't have time, let her cry. It wont hurt her in any way.

    When she is older, 3, buy her Lego's. It is the perfect toy for keeping young children entertained for hours on end. Buy some long tweezers too, in case a Lego flower or Lego head ends up her nose.

  4. Put her in a baby carrier or sling and take her for a walk or do work around the house.  She's five months she doesn't need to be independent just yet.  

  5. I know how you feel. My 4 month old was like this until a few days ago. He went through a big growth spurt and I have noticed that he has developed mentally as well. He plays more by himself all of a sudden and he's happy for 1/2 hour to 1 hour at the time in his playpen. Of course he still wants to be held a lot and it's not always easy as I work from home, but I'm sure that when he learns to sit up he'll be even happier in his playpen.

    I do have to make sure to play music to him (cd's with children's songs are his favorit) and that he can see me when he wants though.

    Something else I do with my son: when I have to do stuff around the flat, I put him on his baby gym and drag him with me from room to room (making choo choo train as I do my stuff. He has his toys with him and he sees me. At first it went well for a few mins at the time, but he's getting better and better as time goes by.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is: hopefully when she gets a bit older she'll get more independent.

    Good luck!

  6. my 7 month old is similar, he will play for a little bit by himself but he gets upset after too long.  so i pretty much sit with him most of the time and play.

    i try to get other things done when he naps.

  7. I understand how you must be exhausted and frustrated, but honestly I envy you.  My son (3 months) seems just as content to lay in his bouncy seat and play than to cuddle with his mommy.  I wish he would be a little MORE dependant.  But, I would suggest getting a baby sling so that you can wear the baby around and still be able to do what you need to do.  From what I read, this won't interfer with the child's indepence later in life.  

  8. well if you are showing her now that whenever she cries or is bored you're always there shes going to grow up like that, when she starts to cry just walk away, she will eventually stop, you don't want her growing up thinking she has you in the palm of her hand.

  9. have you tried a walker? my son is almost 5 months and ive been using one since about 3 months and he loves it! i thought he would have been to small for one still but gave it a shot anyways and it was a lifesaver! sometimes he does still cry for me to hold him and i do have to let him cry a lil but its usually only for a few mins and then he realizes im not going to pick him up and he starts playing with the toys on his walker.

  10. You need to start breaking this habit now. If you hold her all the time, and cater to her every whim, she'll never learn to comfort herself, and you're in for a long, long haul. A lot of people don't like the "cry it out" method, but babies need to learn to soothe themselves after a period of time. Do you have a playpen? Put her down in it. Be sure she's not hungry, has a clean diaper, and plenty of toys to play with. Go about your business. When/if she cries, let her cry a few minutes, and if she doesn't stop, walk over, pick her up, give her a hug, and put her back down. By continuously holding her, or catering to every whiny whim, you are encouraging the behavior. Remember, they won't cry forever. When my twins were babies, my daughter cried when I put her in her crib. If I picked her up to rock her or pet her, she simply wanted to play with me instead of sleeping. I finally started putting her in her crib and let her cry. Yes, it's painful to hear it at first. She never cried for more than about 1/2 hour, and then she went to sleep. It doesn't hurt babies to cry. Just don't go running into the room at the first whimper. Check on her after 10 minutes, soothe her, pat her back and leave the room again, gradually increasing the time between your checking on her.  She'll soon get the idea. You shouldn't have to constantly entertain your baby. They need to learn self-soothing techniques, such as using a pacifier or other favorite toy.  

  11. Have you tried leaving the room for like a minute, then do it again for 2 then 3 and so on,,,so she gets used to you leaving and coming back...just an 4month old is starting to get like that...and i'm not one to coddle(sp?) him. I haven't had to do the CIO method yet, but i'm sure down the road i will...but 4mos is still too young.

    Is there a place (swing, bouncy, pack n play, crib) that she likes the best...try to entertain her more there??

    good luck.

  12. Maybe you could put a blanket on the floor for her that smells like you, or you could even put her in a bouncy play chair.  That would help her feel protected.

  13. haha i feel bad for you

  14. you cant use the cry out method a "time or two". your kid isnt going to know what is going on if sometimes she crys and you come running and other times oyu just let her cry it out. if your going to use the cry out method you have to be consistent. after a while your baby will catch on that crying is not the way to get attention. trust me babies are smarter than you think.

    try a swing. baby einstien has some cool baby videos. do you know what your daughter likes? does she like toys that light up? or ones that make noise? how about ones that move around? you just need to experiment. also dont loose your patients becuase most babies do become bored after 10 min  

  15. make sure she is dry and fed and have a safe cuddle toy and let her scream...  she'll stop eventually...  when she does, pick her up kiss her, hug her and put her back down...

  16. You are teaching her to cry when you put her down.

    Sorry but you must let her cry.  It's a normal thing to do when you are training her.  You must also leave the room so she can't see you.  The second you let her see you she knows she's got you.  She will stop when she gets tired and will either fall asleep or more importantly she will eventually learn to amuse herself by the little things around her.  Until you do that, nothing will change.  It will only get much worse.  You are spoiling her and sooner or later it could hurt your marriage for sure.  

  17. Because babies that age need interaction!  They don't know how to entertain themselves.  She can't read, she can barely think logically.  She needs YOU to entertain her.

    Buy finger puppets, read her a book, take her in the stroller.  And you shouldn't use the cry out method before 5 or 6 months anyway.

    She's not 5 years, she's 5 months!  She won't be "independent" for a LONG time.

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