
I'm going on a Radio show and am sooooo nervous!! help!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, I have to go on this radio show, that like the whole country will be listening to! I have to talk about this memory survey and I am soooooo nervous. it is still like two weeks away and I get that butterfly feeling any time I think about it. I am afraid that I will start to stutter or say something stupi and everyone I know is going to be listening anyway! what do I do?? I need some tips or something!!




  1. All you have to do is stay calm.  Everything will be ok.

  2. I've been on the radio a few times. You don't have that feeling of being in front of a crowd. The rooms is usually rather small and intimate actually. Just try to get in the mind set that you are simply having a conversation with the other person.

    If possible feed the interviewer the questions. Its done all the time. That way you can practice your answers, which will make you more comfortable.

    If after all that you still have the jitters, try asking a friend to rehearse with you. Even put a fake microphone in front of you.

    You'll do fine.

  3. I used to host a radio show in college, and have been on a major radio show before in Milwaukee. It can be scary, but just relax, breath and do your best. Keep in mind, you don't have a big camera in your face, so you don't have to worry about "looking" stupid, just relax and say what you have to say. You'll be okay.

  4. REMEMBER - you are talking to one person only.  The person in front of you.  This helps ease the nerves.  Also, technically you are indeed talking to one person only - most listeners do not listen in groups.  Radio is a very intimate medium - one on one.


    I think you know the kinds of things they will want to know - practice been relaxed and including all the bits other people are interested in.

    Be very clear in what you say and how you say it - radio does not have pictures - you need to build the visual image for them.  E.g. INSTEAD OF

    well had all these nervous people sitting in front of a computer.  SAY  We had people sitting in front of the computer screens so nervous their hands were slipping off the mouse and little beads of sweat appearing on their foreheads even though the air con was on full.  Still everyone did extremely well and hung on to that mouse until they had finished the testing.

    DO NOT TRY TO BE FUNNY - unless you have a comedy background you will fall flat on your face big time.

  5. Just be yourself dude.  You have obviously done something that is worth listening to so you should be proud of yourself, stand tall, be yourself, and just be the confident person that you already know you are!!  Okay??!!

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