
I'm going on a canoe trip tomorrow and I have my period?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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My mom won't let me use tampons yet I am too young. I was going to wear something like a bathing suit with a tank top and shorts over it. Only problem is I have my period!!!! help!!!!! If I end up wearing underwear no swimsuit, and I get wet, will the pad come loose? How wet do i get b/f it shows???




  1. well you see, when you have a baby you got to call the stork first.

  2. I feel for you, honey!

    Firstly, your pad will not come loose if it gets a little wet.  Don't worry about that.

    How wet you have to be for it to show (I assume you mean blood leaking through your shorts because your pad is full of water) depends on how heavy your period is.  Firstly, whether your period is light or heavy, a little water on your shorts isn't going to hurt anything.  And, if you're just lightly spotting, even if your pad gets a little wet, you won't leak - your pad has plenty of room for the water if there isn't much blood filling it up.  If, however, your period is decently heavy and if tampons aren't an option (it really isn't a good idea to start using them until you've had periods for a while), I think your best option may to cancel the canoe trip.  If you cannot cancel, my only suggestion is to waterproof your bum area with plastic underwear or a plastic bag.  This won't seal it off completely, but will make a significant difference.  The only other thing that may help is to sit up on something (bench, flutter board, whatever) so that your bum won't touch the bottom of the potentially-wet canoe.

    Just keep one thing in mind: Unless your period is quite heavy, a little water in the bottom of the canoe shouldn't make you leak.  You would only be seriously screwed if the canoe leaks (and you don't have a Tampax Pearl to plug it up - lol), if lots of water splashes into it (from going over rapids, etc.) or if the canoe flips.

    Good luck!  : )

  3. The pad won't come loose if you just get wet. It WILL soak up and becume really uncomfortable though. Why doesn't your mom let you wear tampons? They're really great! You should ask your mom what to do because she might start to understand your problem, and let you wear them. Or she might find another way to work it out that's sanitary. Tell her how you feel, I'm sure she'll appreciate it. Best wishes.

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