
I'm going on a cruise in 6 days and i'm scared that i will be sea sick?

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well im going on a cruise and all i know is that i get really car sick or air sick easilly and im afraid that i will be sea sick too, what should i do cuz i dont want to ruin the vaction for my familly too.




  1. buy the sea sick patches, or anything else that is like that. Or, you can just watch what you eat, and just don't eat too much. (painful stomachs can cause even more sea sickness).

  2. In general, it's not as big a problem as people think. Ships really are pretty stable and you don't have the stop-and-go problem of being in a car.

    That said, since you do get carsick -- or just to be on the safe side -- here's what I'd recommend:

    - The Patch. You need to get a prescription from your doctor, and be careful about any contra-indications with other medications, etc. But it works really well.

    - Acupressure wrist-bands. My mom, a physician, swore by them.

    - Go light on alcohol and heavy foods. Over-indulgence can upset even the strongest stomach.

    - Anti-nausea tablets. You can get these free at the front desk. The key thing is to take them *before* you feel sick. The front desk will usually have a sense for whether the next day / night will be rough. They make some people sleepy, though, so be careful.

    - Ginger and fresh air. If you start to feel queasy, go out to an open deck and look at the horizon. It'll calm your stomach. Some ginger, like from the sushi bar, will also help.

    There's a more detailed article on how to avoid sea sickness here:

  3. First of all, i'm a bit like you. Whenever we have long car journeys im like bleuh. lol. but I've een on 2 cruises now and didnt feel seasick once! You really do forget that you are on a boat - it feels like a palace! Also, if you do start to feel seasick I'm sure the crew will be very helpful, and a lie down in your cabin can really help. I hope you have a great time and dont feel sick!!

  4. Two suggestions is first go to your doctor and get one of the sea sick patches that people put behind their ear. On a curse you always see people wearing these. If you can't get to a doctor, bring along some bonnie or other sickness pills, or buy sea bands. Sea bands are wrist bands that have a pressure point on them. My husband wore them and worked great for him, but he does not get car sick unless he is in the back seat. Sorry about the spelling of bonnie. It's not quite right spelling, but close.

  5. There are over-the-counter pills for motion sickness in pharmacies. Also, do not go onboard the cruise on an empty stomach. People tend to feel giddier when they have low sugar levels. Bigger ships tend to rock less on water. I hope your cruise ship is a big one.

  6. Hey

    First of all... don't worry!

    My mom had the same worry as you before she went on our first cruise, now we're about to go on our third!

    You honestly can hardly feel a thing; not a simgle person was sick. It is really just a floating hotel, and you can hardly feel it moving.

    You make want to take some medicine with you just in case but, to be honest, I strongly doubt you'll need it!

    Relax, have fun, and forget about it - it's not a problem, even to people who are often sick.


  7. Ginger, lots of ginger, it quells upset stomachs for any sort of travel- try ginger bears cos they are coated in sugar and seem like a lolly while doing you good, if this doesn't work for you revert to 'quell's , an over the counter motion sickness pill available at chemists (and some supermarkets.)

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