
I'm going on a cruise to mexico in april....?

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I'm 19 yrs old..someone told me the legal drinking age on the ship is 18, is that true? I know there I can drink while in mexico, but what about actually on the ship?




  1. Kelsey,

    I have been on 7 cruises. Maybe you should take this opportunity, and grow up a little bit. Drinking on a cruise ship, can really be dangerous and get you in trouble. There are so many other fun things to do at your age. You can swim, eat, run, shop, sunbathe, play games, and much much more. I'm sure you have read in the news about people drinking and coming up missing on the ship. Some never have been found. You are at a very vunerable age, and could very easily be whisked off by some jerk or jerks, and never even know it, because you were drunk. Remember Natalie Holloway? She wasn't on a cruise, but same senario. Please be very careful who you hook up with. Always stay with your friends or family. Cruises can be a blast without drinking. Have fun and stay safe!

  2. Royal Caribbean used to allow beer and wine (no liquor) to passengers aged 18-20, but changed the minimum drinking age for all alcoholic beverages to 21 on July 28, 2006.  This info can be found on their FAQ page of (search FAQ in customer support if link below does not work).

    HOWEVER, if you are cruising with your parents, there is a waiver they can sign to allow you to drink.  Their site says it's for cruises "in Europe or South America, where the legal drinking age is lower than 21", but I don't know if they're considering Mexico a part of South America.

    Your parents (and RCCL) will love that I'm telling you this, but it's insanely easy to drink onboard if you're underage.

    Have a great trip!

  3. Sorry, dude, but the legal drinking age on a ship is 21.  Do not try the fake ID route either.   You need a passport for ID.  That cannot be faked.

  4. Nope. Not on the cruise ships. Drinking age on the cruises is 21. You are right about Mexico though. My wife and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon and ended up planning the wedding for a week after her 21st birthday so she could drink on the ship.

  5. Royal Caribbean's age used to be 18, it is now 21.  Only some South American cruises are still at 18.  Check your cruise brochure and it should explain the ages.

  6. good question. Each cruise operator will handle it differently.

    -- they will either revert to the drinking age where the cruise ship is based.

    -- or they will base in on international drinking laws. Meaning when they are out to sea in international waters technically there is no drinking age.

    Most likely it will be option 1-- so 21 if United States cruise line. However, my honest opinion is that it WILL NOT be stictly enforced so you very well may get served anyway.

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