
I'm going on an airplane?

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Do you guys have any tips?

What should i bring with me?

What should i put in my carry on bag?




  1. Hope you're flying on one with private T.V.s or free movies.  If not, bring an iPod or a if you are into video games, a portable system. You have to wait a little bit to use them but they will pass the time. If possible take a nap. Bring gum to chew when you're landing and taking off to avoid ear pain. If you are on a short flight that isn't Continental, stock up on the snacks. Especially if you're flying Delta. They only give you peanuts. Yeah those are things to bring on your carry on bag. If it is your first time (like you're implying) put name tags on your lugages or you'll be in for a living h**l with the luggage finding thing. That's about it.

  2. It depends how long you are on the plane. I am going to Germany in August, thats a 9 hour flight and i will wear comfortable cloth (long pants, long sleve shirt), have warm socks with me, because the a/c in there is getting cold if you dont move for so long, take a aspirin before the flight, so my feed does not swell so much, take for sure a book, my i pod, a little pillow and maybe even a light blanket, even so they give some out in the plane, but sometimes there are not enough.

    I also would recomment to buy some water after the security check, even so it is expensive, but you need to drink as much as possible, but then again not too much, otherwise you need to go to the restroom all the time.

    Dont put anything in your carry on, that you dont really need. It is only in the way. Only the stuff you really will need in the plane, so your passport, your visa, your money and all the stuff to occupy you in the air.

    Have fun on your flight.

  3. don't sit near a bay cause they're so annoying (always crying)!

    don't sit near an old person, they're coughing all the time!

    you should take your ipod with you, it's awesome!

    don't forget your cellphone, your own packed food(plane's food is awful even if you're on 1st class) and if you're a little traditional take a book with you, it's always a good company.

    if you want to sleep during your trip take some headphones, those will let you sleep until you get to your destination.

    hope i helped, good luck on your trip!!!

  4. books




    nice avatar [[love joe jonas too]] =]]

  5. just steal the airport lollies. they come in handy for when your ears go all funni when the air pressure changes =p

    umm if your mother is going with you take a camera for when she freaks out and if you plan to hijack the plane do it with something thats not so metalic but quite sharp.

    I would just take my music. I hate the noisy planes.

  6. u should take snacks, pencil, paper, and a book, or any electronics like computer or ipod etc.

    hope this helps

  7. Just pray for a good neighbor.  No stinkies, no McDonald's or KFC, don't let anyone fall asleep on your shoulder.

  8. Chap stick a water bottle light snacks. maybe music player a book or a magzine. tampons or pads. anything u will need.

  9. Whatever you need for your trip.

  10. just a couple of things to bring...

    -plastic nalgene bottle with water (or wine! though you are not suppose to do bring booze on the plane I think)

    -travel blanket and pillow, riponlady mentioned a neck rest since the airlines are getting stingy

    -extra batteries if there is anything electronic

    -pen if any forms need to be filled out (I see so many people asking for pens when they have to fill out customs forms on the plane)

    -little travel bottle of ibuprofen or something in case of a headache

    -little travel thingy of tissues

    -gum (similar to the candy you've done)

    -little packets of salt and pepper (maybe some hot sauce, too) to spice up your meals

    -those little handy-wipe serviette things to wipe your hands

    -ear plugs in case the headphones are to bulky to sleep with

    - and as said, stuff to read and play (easy reading stuff I find is better, otherwise I get a headache)

    (i love Joe Jonas too (:)

  11. this ur first time. how long is your flight? if its long (like 8 hours), bring confy clothes and a small pillow. ur carryon can be a purse or a laptop or something.

  12. Tip #1. Never sit by a over weight person.. Seriously! It will NOT be confortable.. If you do, ask the flight attendant if you can move. I did, and it was no problem.

    Tip #2.  Always carry your fragile/ breakable things with you on the plane. Like ipod, cd player ect. in a small bag. Because the people who put your bigger luggage will be rough with your bags, and won't care how they handle them. (They broke the wheel off of mine!)

    Tip #3.  Try to get a A or B pass. A and B pass will let you get on the plane before everyone else, and you will get better seats. C and D passes are cheaper, and you will likely be the last one to get on the plane. That means all the good seat will be gone, and you might have to sit with a stranger.. To get a A or B pass, call the air port a day before your flight, or be at the airport two hours before your flight, and try to get the tickets there.

    Tip #4. Try to be at the air port early as possible like, two hours before your flight. Trust me, you would want to. If you don't, many people will be by your area where you board on, and you might get confused.

    Tip #5 Always keep your bags with you at all times! Unattendent bags will probably be moved or put in the "lost and found" without you knowing it.

    Tip #6 Use the bathroom/ restroom before going on the plane.

    Tip #7. Don't eat before you get on the plane. This might give your stomach a sick feeling

    Tip #8. Take a pack of gum with you. When your flight is taking off in the sky, chew on some gum to stop your ears from poping.

    And have a great time on the plane! I hope all these tips are gonna help you on your flight!

  13. I just bring magazines, my ipod, and my portable dvd player

  14. You should bring something to keep you busy on the flight. I would recommend a book, magazine, sudoku booklet or ipod. Do not carry any liquids or gels larger than 3 oz. through the security checkpoint. I would buy a water bottle after you have gone through security because I am often thirsty on plane rides, and they only serve beverages a few times.

    Good luck!

  15. ipod!!!!

  16. If the flight is long, bring an ipod, book, and like crosswords or something. If it's a short flight, just bring your ipod or a book.

  17. im going soon too!

    bring like a magazine, some candy of yor own, a book, your ipod but nowadays theres alot of entertainment already in your plane..i think that'll beenough.. like you get a tv infront ofyou ..evryone has their own tv and theres like really popular tv shows and movies to chose from..!! have FUN!!

  18. bring a book to read or your mp3, ipod, or cd player!!!!!!

  19. Check out the TSA website right before you leave to have an up to date list of banned items.

    Other than that, what to bring depends on how long the flight it. You will probably want things to entertain you on the flight (book, MP3 player, laptop, whatever you can handle lugging around). You can bring more than one carry on bag. One can be your luggage, which you can stash in luggage compartments, and one can be a small bag of whatever you will use during the flight, like a tote bag.

    You should bring a cell phone, at least to use before and after the flight, but you have to turn it off during the flight. You may want to bring headphones to watch the in-flight entertainment, or to listen to the music they offer (otherwise you have to pay for headphones). You may want to bring some medications, like tylenol, just in case. If you want to get fancy, there are travel blankets that fold down to be very small.

  20. depends on how long the flight is. if it is inside of the country expect the AC to be jacked up carry a jacket. it will be cold. bring dry-ish snakes NO WATER. music u can listen to or a book that u know u'll want to read. if its a day time flight there are so much to see down below try to get a window seat.

    some antihistamine if u want to nap the whole time, hehehe. enjoy ur flight and wear ur seat belt the whole time.

  21. Here's a list of the things that contribute to discomfort on airplanes:  

    bad air (for me this is number one)

    noise (sneaky and it causes neck, headache, upper respiratory problems)

    confined space

    changes in gravity/pressure

    cold and dehydration (I notice the cold but the dehydration is sneakier)

    change in time zone - jet-lag

    This is my strategy for reducing the discomfort (and sickness) of airplane travel.

    Do as many of these as possible.  Prioritize them according to your own sensitivities.

    Early Preparation

    Choose a newer airplane - the newer ones have better ventilation systems.

    Reserve seats as close to the front as possible.  The air is better there.

    Make dietary changes.

    A week before the flight, abstain from foods that strain the gall bladder:




    coffee and caffeinated beverages

    fatty foods

    heavy foods

    fried foods

    Add supplements that help your body oxygenate and handle stress:

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin B complex, especially Vitamin B12

    Pick out the clothes you will wear on the plane.  Choose clothing that will permit good blood circulation.  Airplane seats are horribly cramped (unless you are traveling "First Class") and they contribute to muscle spasms and poor circulation.

    Lose fitting, breathable, comfortable clothes - loungewear (reduce your feelings of confinement)

    Loafers or slippers (being able to wiggle your toes is especially important on long flights)

    No tight elastic, nothing binding.

    Warm socks, maybe a scarf (in case the plane gets cold).

    A soft warm jacket (can double as a pillow).  Be prepared in case the plane gets cold.

    Purchase food for the flight (don't depend on the airlines to provide what you need)

    1 small bottle of water for every 3 hours of flight

    chewies for ear popping

    nutsnacks for protein

    dried fruit for sugar

    one raw fruit

    Get a good pair of earplugs (or an iPod, or walkman plus something you want to listen to, or noise-cancelling head phones).  The constant drone of airplane noise contributes to discomfort and it is good to block it out for some of the trip.

    Get an eyemask so you can block out light during the time when it would be night at the time zone of your destination (reduces jet-lag)

    The Day of the Flight

    Check the above list and make sure you have all the things you planned to take:

    lose fitting clothes and shoes

    warm socks, scarf, warm soft jacket

    earplugs, or noise-cancelling headphones, or walkman



    Immediately before leaving for the airport, eat a light, non-fatty meal with NO caffeinated beverages and NOTHING fried (good choices are:  fruit, vegetables or grains).  Eating a light, non-fatty meal makes handling pressure changes and motion easier.

    As soon as you get on the plane set your timepiece for your destination time zone and begin changing your sleep and meal times to match.  This helps reduce jet-lag.

    On the plane, accept whatever pillows and blankets are available/offered.  Use them to change the pressure distribution of your body weight on the seat when sitting for a long time.

    Get up and stretch regularly (at least once every 2 hours, even if it is just to walk to the opposite end of the cabin, do a few little stretches and return to your seat) to make sure your muscles aren't beginning to cramp.

    Most planes in flight today need upholstery restuffing badly and are not heathly for backs (even if they were, if you do not fit the exact target height and weight of the person they think is going to sit in the seats, the seat won't be adjusted correctly for you).  

    Watch the movie or listen to music, or sleep.  Don't do too much reading because of the strain that it puts on the body (eyes and inner ear - balance) when you are trying to follow a line of text which moves due to the motion of the airplane.

    During the hours when it would be dark at your destination, try to sleep and put on an eyemask to reduce the amount of light coming into your eyes (for reducing jet-lag).

    After the Flight (for reducing jet-lag)

    You should have set your clock to your destination time zone at the beginning of your flight.  And you should have already started switching your activity routine (sleeping, eating) to match your destination time zone.

    If you arrive during the day, get outside into the daylight.  This gives your pituitary the signal to readjust your inner clock.  Expose yourself to light early in the morning, midday, and late at night, if you can, even if it is only for a few minutes.

    Resist the temptation to nap on your old time schedule.

    Get some exercise (walking or swimming is perfect) during the

  22. Haha, it will be okay.

    My tips? BRING A NECK PILLOW. Time will change and depending how long your trip will be, you will need to sleep. I couldn't for I don't know how long and I was exhausted. Second tip: Chew gum while lifting off and coming back down (can't remember the word). It REALLY helps with your ears popping and all and makes you feel a whole lot better.

    Bring clothes, toiletries, MONEY, accessories (sunglasses, purse etc.), and whatever else you need...

    Carry-on bag: few books/magazines, lots of gum, snacks, water, iPod, cell phone, laptop, BLANKET, socks/slippers, and a *neck pillow*. There will probably be a TV and headphones (with radio) so that might be enough for you, I don't know.

    I always go with Lufthans, and they serve great food (pretty amazing) but if your plane doesn't, make sure to bring good snacks and a lot of water.

    Good luck, it will be fine :)

  23. ipod, portable dvd

  24. cards, ipod, mags, books

  25. Hi *** Jonas you carry a purse? I would say take an ipod but you'd probably ruin the flight for the person sitting next to you.

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