
I'm going on an exchange trip to France help plz?

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i'm going on an exchange trip for a week to Dijon.

how much money should I take?

What present should I bring them?

thnx xx




  1. A week is not too long.  I don't think you will need that much money.  

    Give them something unique to the area you come from.  Is where you live known for certain type of crop or other type of product?  The french love regions and all there peculiarities.  So that will make them happy.

    Relax and have a good time.  Be open to learning.  The week will go by quickly so if I were you I'd try not to speak English at all so that you can make the most of your time there.

    Have fun and good luck!

  2. How awesome! You should get something unique. Learn from my mistake. I went to France and brougth back Mickey Mouse.

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