
I'm going on an interview tomorrow?? Help! I'm 17?

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I just got a call from an employer and I am going to meet for an interview for a job tomorrow, but on the phone my voice was all excited and I kept talking too much! What are some tips for when I have to go talk to the Vice President of the company? Anything will help! Thanks!




  1. Take deep breaths and try to remain calm.

  2. Job interviews are always exciting and scary. The person doing interviews should now this.

    I would just be yourself. Be polite talk about your job skills and what you know. Don't talk to much about your personal life unless it has to do with your job skills.

    Good Luck!

  3. Make sure your appearance is good, dress smartly but not stuffy, your clothes should be simple clean and ironed. Your hair should be clean and not messy. Your nails and hands should be orderly looking. Clean face light day make up is good, but nothing wild. No sneakers!

    Make sure you know about the company and the job so that your interveiwer can see that you are serious about the job and have done some research.

    Be confident, smile, be friendly, try and relax.

    When answering questions always be positive, and always try to mention good characteristics about you. If you are asked what is one of your bad qualities mention something minor that you can think of which is fairly common but say that you are aware of this weakness in you and that you are constantly working to improve on it.

    Your handshake should be firm, and not like an old fish.

    Be courteous and polite! Say things like thank you for taking the time for me to see you. When you leave say that you look forward to hearing from the interviewer soon, wish him or her a good day!

    Show some excitement and passion about the job, show that you are engaged eager and can be a great asset in the company!

    Good luck to you!

  4. Do your homework.Research the company beforehand so that you can showcase that knowledge during the interview. The internet is a great resource, you can google the company, check business journals for company information, like ranking, sales, mission statement. This will give you a background and later you will be able to ask informed question.

    Know where you’re going. Make sure to find out where the office is and how to get there. There are several free sites devoted to directions, Mapquest, Google Maps and Yahoo maps. Know how long the trip will take. Take the name and phone number of the person you’ll be meeting with. Know what the parking situation is, adjust your time accordingly. Save yourself time and unnecessary stress by knowing these things before heading to the interview.

    Dress the part.As an Employment Specialist I have experienced this first hand. Two job candidates, different skills, both had criminal background. One gentleman was applying for a warehouse position. He had a suit on. The employers response, “finally someone to interview. The other candidate, more qualified, he wouldn’t take out his facial piercing, no job. Interviews, but no jobs. Your clothing should be neat, pressed, and professional looking. As it can be difficult to know the culture of the office environment beforehand, err on the side of conservative. However, don’t be afraid to inject some personality into your look, and don’t neglect the details. Make sure to have a fresh haircut and clean, manicured nails. For more interview tips visit

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