
I'm going on holiday next week - last time they wouldnt allow me home from spain due to my wheelchair?

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Now I am really concerned that the same will occur again. Has anyone been away with Monarch from Manchester recently and used an electric wheelchair? If so please tell me HONESTLY how they were with you - attitude wise! Im in the UK




  1. i went with them  to florida and they werent a very polite flight crew every thing seemed to be an effort for them to do!!!!

  2. Did you ask the travel agent to specify that you were in a wheelchair?

    They should let you on first. Ring the airline on the day and make sure they are prepared.

  3. There got to be more to this story that your not telling us...They did this one time to me,put me in a chair I couldn't push myself and I almost miss my plain...

    Do this next time,where every you going to have a layover tell them you want you chair at this place....I have done this many times with usair......

  4. Did the airline know in advance that you was in an electric  wheelchair? I am very surprised on how you was treated.  

  5. Hi Kris - I'm absolutely astounded to hear you were not allowed home via Monarch Airways due to you being in wheel chair.

    Think Monarch Airways must be living in the stone age - an era we had left behind a long time ago.

    Jet Airways of the United Kingdom accept eletric wheelchairs and all manner of devices and assistance etc.

    Her Majesties Command and the United Kingdom Government

    This Goodle search link gets you some more info

    I hope everything goes well for you.

    Frankly I'm outraged at what has happened to you. If you wish to contact a member of parliament, you can do so at this next link.

    You own MP will be only too pleased to take up your cause.

    Enabled by the will and the power of the people in Parliament and by Royal Command of the Queen

    God bless you and keep you always.

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