
I'm going on holiday with my friend but i have a problem?

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Last time i went on holiday with her she was moody all the time we was there,we booked to go away again,and i told her she better change her attitude this time so i gave her a second chance,over the months i thought she was saving her spending money up,now she told me she has only £25 to spend for two days,but she gets paid on the friday,we are going for two weeks and i wont pay for her as its not fair on me,she said she is taking her cashpoint card but what if she has a problem with it over there?




  1. I would advise her to inform her bank that she is going abroad, so that if the bank pick up on the card being used in a foreign country, they won't put a stop on the card.

  2. if she was moody last time , why invite her again?

    but anyway it depends on where your going usually cash points are okay if you find ones that are not tampered with or anything like that.

  3. I would carry as little money on me as possible and not tell her how much you have, and if she asks for any just say, "Sorry, I can't or it would make me short".

    Otherwise she'll just keep taking advantage.

    If it was a one-off, I would help out a friend, but if you already predict it before you go, you have to look after yourself as well.

    Good luck x

  4. just stick to your guns. tell her you dont have enough money for both of you, and you are not going to have a rubbish holiday just because of her!

  5. Two weeks can seem a long time with someone who isn't enjoying themselves. Give her this chance, but if she ruins it for you, just don't go on holiday with her again. I wouldn't let her borrow any money either, she knew she was going on holiday and she should have saved more than £25 for just 2 weeks! It's ridiculous what's she done!! She should obviously try and get some more money before she goes but that's for her to worry about and not you.

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