
I'm going on vacation and I can't bring my hermit crabs. What do I do?

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I have 2 hermit crabs and I'm going on vacation. I can't take the crabs with me because the hotel doesn't allow pets. What do I do?




  1. well your hotel im sure wont mind having some crabs...they dont smell or anything so just call them up and ask if they are ok to bring, if not then just leave them at home with some extra big water dish (like a deepish lid from something and an upside down shell in it with lots of water) and then extra food, dont leave a light on or the water will evaporate. Dont worry i have had hermit crabs for 5-6 years now and we always leave our hermit crabs home...and we have one now casue it killed the others unfortunatly, but it does fine without us here... we have gone like for a week before and when we got back there was still water and food so itll be fine.

  2. Do you have any friends or family that can look after them?

    If they agree then take them to their house and give your friend/family a caresheet or instructions on how to look after them.

    If not then you could try someone from work maybe?

    As a last resort, maybe, you could contact a zoo, vets or animal shelter that will look after them.

  3. Do you have a aunt? A cousin.Granparents? Tell them to come over when i went to vacation my cousion stayed over to help my fish

  4. Ask a friend to take care of them. Taking them with you would probably not work well- it would be too easy for something to go wrong. Having to take them in a car and into the hotel room leaves plenty of time for their enclosure to break or get dropped, and would probably stress them. They do NOT do well when stressed.

    I'm assuming you have them in a plastic critter carrier as opposed to a proper tank?  If so, once you get back from vacation please consider getting them a better setup. Critter carriers are not big enough and do not allow for essentials of hermit crab care (enough sand to molt in, two water dishes, proper hideys and climbing toys, etc.).

  5. Hermit crabs aren't really considered "pets" by hotel standards. They are more concerned with dogs and cats who will make a mess or destroy things. Hermit crabs shouldn't be a problem. In fact, you really don't even have to tell the hotel about them at all. I'm sure nobody will mind anyway. If you feel the need, ask the hotel about hermit crabs. They shouldn't be too concerned and will most likely allow you to bring them. In the off chance that they don't, ask a friend to care for them. Make sure you show them how to care for the hermit crabs, and all that good stuff.

  6. Have a friend take care of them!

    I left mine with a trusted friend and they did just fine.

  7. just put enough water and food in there for the amount of time your leaving. and if you want to bring them just go ahead, its hermit crabs they won't notice unless you bring them in like a huge tank or something.

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