
I'm going on vacation- parakeet stays home?

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How long can I leave a parakeet home? He also doesn't like drinking by himself much(he's new). If I go on a two night three day vacation, can I leave him alone???





  1. I would suggest hiring a petsitter. You can ask a neighbor, or someone that you cantrust with your bird. Birds die of loneliness, so i dont think it would be wise to leave her/him alone.

    Good luck!

  2. just make sure you leave a feeding water bottle and a lot of food if he get hungry.   ")

  3. No.  It really is best if you get someone to come in daily to feed and water him.  He doesn' have to come out of hisn cage every day, but he should have fresh watere and food available.  You never know.  Something could happpen.  Overnight would be fine, but not three days, because you know you will leave early morning and return late at night, so essenttially, he's on his own for four to five days oveall.

  4. We had parakeets growing up and they were fine when we went away for the weekend.  As long as he has enough food and maybe one of those yummy parakeet treat sticks in there as a back up he will be fine.  I don't know if you cover him at night or not but I would leave the cover off and leave a radio or something on for him to listen to so he doesn't feel "alone".  He will enjoy the noise.

  5. you can eather have someone take care of it while your gone

    or take it with you, or you can give it lots of food and water.

    but i mostly will sugest have someone take care of it.

    good luck

  6. since hes new and not drinking well on his own Id say no,maybe if he was an established bird hed be ok....

    bird water bottles you hang on the cage ( like the ones for hamsters, etc)where the water comes out when the bird goes to drink are good cause the wayer stays clean,how ever your bird must learn how to use one first,i tell you this for future reference...once your bird learns how to use these you can get more than one(or a large one) and therefore leave him with a good supply of water,and of course plenty of food( seperate dishes, ive heard of birds dying even with plenty food in the same dish cause the hulls were on top and bird didnt know there were more seeds underneath)

    like i said because hes not established yet id advise against leaving him alone over night,even once he is established ,it would be better to leave two birds ,they like company.

  7. I just recently went to New York for two nights and left my two birds alone with plenty of water and at least two food dishes and they were just fine.

    If you was gone a week then I would worry.

  8. Going away for a few days shouldn't be a problem.  I would leave his or her cage partially covered by a sheet so that he or she can get sunlight but also sleep comfortably.  Also, make sure you leave him or her enough food and clean water.  I usually leave two food bowls (one treat and one regular) and one water bowl and a dish for bathing.  You might also consider leaving the radio on a calming station so he or she doesn't feel alone.

    Those are all the things I do for my Quaker Parrot when I go out of town.  If I was going to be gone for more than 3 or 4 days I would board her at a vets office because birds can get sick very quickly and deteriorate rapidly.

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