
I'm going to Cancun next week will there be alot of single women there?

by  |  earlier

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B#$T# #ss girl backed out, so im going solo to cancun, will that be a good idea cause i want to have a good time.




  1. I kind of agree with one of the answers in going to a hostel. First, you will save money on room accommodations. Second, you will meet people there. In fact many hostels, sometimes have activities where a group will be arranged to go to a certain place each night of the week. This happened when I went to a hostel in Boston. Each night, the hostel arranged for a place to go as a group in which you sign up for it and be there in the lobby at the particular hour and go to the designated destination for the night. Great way to meet people and have a night out. Also in the hostel, you meet many solo and travel companions and share stories of their travels. Good luck.

  2. STAY AT A HOSTEL IF YOU GO ALONE. You will find loads of other people there alone to hang out with. You will have lots of fun.

    If you stay in a hotel, you will be miserable. Everyone wil be hanging out in cliques, and it will be awkward.

  3. You'll be fine and you'll see plenty of women there.  Be sure to hit the club zone.  There are so many clubs so close together and that's where all the women will be.

  4. I dont think I'd wanna go alonee.

    But, maybe.

  5. Dont go alone, find a friend to go with you.

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