
I'm going to Cuba for family holiday in October - Anyone got anything I should know - good & bad.?

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I'm going to Cuba for family holiday in October - Anyone got anything I should know - good & bad.?




  1. Don't say anything anti government. My Spanish teacher went there and they charged her $500 for her extra luggage so she complained about the government. They were about to arrest her. Its not like the U.S. and it is really easy to speak your mind. Fortunately, her dad was there and helped her run away. Be careful.

  2. There is nothing bad about Cuba, its a truly amazing country, the people there will do anything to make your holiday even better for you, I would advise you to take every toiltery and medication item you need as they are so expensive in Cuba if you are lucky enough to be able to find them, use mosquito spray or roll on from your knees downwards each night before you go out, we didn't have any problem with the mossies whatsoever as all the hotels spray round about 7 pm each night to get rid of them but the sand flies do tend to bite the back of your ankles and mossie spray does help big time, I now take anti histermines for 10 before I go as that helps big time too, the cheap non drowsy ones from Asda are great, if you can afford to get your own snorkel gear I would advise you take that too as the ones they give you at the hotels in Cuba are a bit naff, take an aqua disposable camera too as you will get tons of opportunities to take pictures of fish in the ocean, if you take a banana and some bread from the hotel restuarant into the ocean with you they just come swarming round you to feed off them and that is just amazing to see, Avon Skin So Soft spray body oil is great if you are worried about mossies as they hate the stuff so spray yourself with that after a shower each night too and its better than aftersun and keeps your tan for longer, just take Sterling with you money wise as you can just change it into Cuban Pesos at the hotels bank and you don't get ripped off, other than that have an amazing holiday, I'm going back at Easter for two weeks and can't wait.

  3. I need a holiday - when my leg's better (I broke it a week and a half ago) can I come with you, I'd love to go to Cuba!!

  4. get the mozzi repelant out !!!

  5. Ask them not to stamp your passport when you enter the country.  I have heard this can cause problems if you later enter the US and they see the stamp.

    Best check this because I am not too sure.

  6. cuba is a very nice country with friendly well educated people

  7. The president has now retired in order to pursue a career with ZZ Top.

  8. Hurricane season

    Good Luck!

  9. Swim with the dolphins and enjoy yourself!

  10. Don't take american dollars - they don't accept them and will change them but will put a further 10% charge on top of normal exchange rates.

    Cuba is a beautiful country and the people are very warm and friendly

    However, watch that your baggage is not overweight as even if you pay this overweight charge from your departing airport Cuban customs may still insist that you pay an additional charge for any overweight baggage - they will decide the charge and it can be excessive.

    I am sure you will have a great hol - but be aware and try and brush up on your Spanish - Some Cubans make a living scamming tourists so be aware of what's going on around you.

  11. Do not take US$ with you. They do not accept it in stores and they cover 10% tax to change it in the banks. Take Euro, Canadian $, English £ or Swissfrancs.

  12. There is nothing bad about Cuba and nothing bad at all going in October. I travel most of the time to Cuba around then. The weather is just beautiful. It is during the rainy season and hurricane season, but you shouldn't worry about anything. Each time I've gone there has never been any problems. If there happens to be any rain, it will only last for a few minutes in the day (which can be a welcome break from the hot sun). So then you just go in for something to eat and then back out. Sometimes it might rain at night perhaps around dinner time or during one of the evening shows. Never an inconvenience as they are prepared for this and move their shows under cover. It's kind of fun actually.

    The beach is the most amazing as the water is extra warm around this time of year.

    True, due to the higher heat and humidity, you can encounter mosquitos, but the resorts always spray in the evening and help prevent any serious problems. However, do take your own spray. Cubalish said something that was on my mind about certain sprays! I was also going to suggest Avon Skin-so-Soft spray. It's not a bug repellant but there is something in the formula that repels mosquitos. It works great! So there you have nice smelling soft skin and no mosquitos works great for children too if you don't want any of the bug spray chemicals.

    Someone also mentioned about being respectful when you speak. It's true, be careful not to insult the Cubans and their country. Of course it goes the same wherever you are in the world. You are their guest and never insult the country and their order. It will definitely not be appreciated and you may be disrespected in turn. I've seen this firsthand as one tourist thought he was being funny by making a sarcastic comment because he had to pay extra for some services and said something about Castro...definitely did not get a nice reaction from the reception staff. It was rather embarassing.

    Cubans are one of THE most kind and hospitable people you will know. They will go out of their way just to make you feel welcome (of course especially so if they feel you are genuine as well).

    Although many do not like to tip at the hotels, it is a nice gesture to do so as servers rely mostly on tips. You can use your judgment on that. Little gifts (such as pens, pencils, mags, etc from the dollarstore, or gently used clothing, toiletries, feminine products, makeup, sun lotions, baseball hats, and things like these) are very much appreciated as may products are hard to come by or can be expensive. Not all are able to afford such things, especially for their children as well. So if you choose to put a little toiletry gift for the room attendant instead of a CUC peso each day with a little note, they will appreciate that very much....more than you will know.

    Befriend your servers, they will have a table ready for you in the morning for breakfast with a smile and excellent service.

    The beach/pool attendant for the towels work hard too, as well as the gardeners.

    Any place you go to in Cuba for your holiday will be enjoyable. But be sure to book your hotel no less than a 4* in Cuba to ensure good quality for accomodations, food, cleanliness, service.

    One of my favourite places is Tryp Cayo Coco....a beautiful resort with wonderful people working there. The Animación Team (Entertainment Staff) are extremely helpful and so much fun. They will get you involved in games, sports/beach activities and you'll never be bored. But if you want to relax as well, it is so easy to do so.

    The beach is beautiful with water 3 shades of clear turquoise and soft powdery white sand.

    I just also remembered that around that time of year the resorts and beaches are less crowded.

    Don't take US funds as you will be charged at least 10% for conversion. US credit cards and travellers cheques are not accepted in Cuba.

    Only convert what you need on a day or two day basis as you will need to change your money back coming home (as CUC are not useful outside of Cuba). And be sure to take a receipt after each conversion.

    Do take advantage of the day trips the resorts have to offer and try to go to Havana for a day or two as well. See the nearby cities and experience the 'real' Cuba. You will never regret it!

    Above all else, have an amazingly wonderful time and don't forget to salsa your heart out lol!

  13. There's really nothing bad although October is still hurricane season although that doesn't mean you will have anything other than perfect weather.  most everything is good; great resorts, lots of activities, wonderful hosts who will treat you and your family like visiting royalty.  If possible take in Havana it's amazing   and of course so historical.  My favorite resort is Sol Melia Rio Luna y Mares, Holguin.  Take a look at the links below they wil give you some goood info about all of Cuba.  Enjoy yourselves you are in for a treat. Chances are  you go once, you will be back.

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