
I'm going to Disney World at the end of August. Will I be miserable?

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I heard August is really really humid. Will that get in the way of having a good time at WDW? =[ Is it really unbearable where you don't feel like doing anything at all?




  1. it's not completely unbearable. i went last week.

    just remember to drink lots of water and BRING SUNSCREEN! i'm still burned!

    i also had one of those fans that you can spray yourself with water. you can buy one down there but they're lots cheeper at walmart.

  2. possibly,it is very hot and humid but if you ARE having a good time sight seeing with all of the attractions they have to offer then being hot should not be a bother to you.

    check out wet n 'wild while you are is only a walk away.

  3. I work at Kilimanjaro Safaris in Disney's Animal Kingdom which is all outdoors.  That's what you call unbearable lol.  As a guest, you have the option to dip into a cooler gift shop for a few minutes.  Also, bring a mister-fan with you.  They sell small ones at Wal*Mart for a few dollars.  You can buy big ones at Disney, but they're $11.00 I believe.. and they're heavy when filled with water.  You don't need that much.

    The number one thing is to stay hydrated.  Drink water or powerade - not soda.  The sugars in soda dehydrate you even more.  You can buy one drink, too, and refill it at a water fountain which will be cheaper, but it's amazing what a difference staying hydrated will do.

    I'd also suggest planning your days accordingly.  The Animal Kingdom is the hottest park because there is a smaller guest area, meaning you'll be closer to other peoples' body heat whereas EPCOT is so huge.  Also, The many trees in the Animal Kingdom produce oxygen which traps the heat.  Go to the Animal Kingdom and the Magic Kingdom on the coolest days of your trip.  Save EPCOT (they have a cool station with free drinks and several misters) and Hollywood Studios (lots of shops and indoor, air conditioned shows) for the warmer days.

    Also, take your time.  If it gets too hot, head back to your hotel and hang out in the pool.  It's hottest between 1pm and 4pm each day, and it usually rains at some point which cools things down too.

  4. That's not true it all. It is a little humid, but you still have a really good time. You won't even notice.


    am actually woundering the same question i keep asking my brother he says it rains pretty much every afternoon and is really hot and EVERY humid...he says its tropical weather am also scared it will stop me from doing the fun stuff but i think ur there ur just gonna be too excited to care that its hott!

    i hope i help u out

    and i wish a fun safe trip!

    i bet ur excited.....i know iam!!!!!!!!!

  6. hahah um NO it's Disney!! You should be fine! Just drink alot of water!

  7. well its not UNBARABLE. but it is hot and humid.

    temps usually in the 90's and it usually rains every afternoon  between 3-6pm but the rain only lasts about 30-60 minutes.

    i've gone a few times in the end of august and it wasn't the greatest feeling in the world to be hot and sticky but it doesn't ruin the fun unless you let it.

    many of disney world's rides and attractions are inside air conditioned buildings and the one that are outside usually have roofs and fans so the only time you get really hot is when walking from one thing to the next.

    just wear light clothes.

    and it may be worth it to you to buy one on these personal spray bottle fans. it comes filled with cold water and then you can just keep filling it with water when ever you run out. and it comes with a thing to put it around you neck so its not in the way. although i found that it did kinda get in the way for me cuz its kinda big.

    *persoal experience once in late august.

    in august 2006 i went to disney world and it was sooo hot. 95 degrees and sunny and while i was walking my sandal strap came apart. how you ask? the sun and heat literally melted the glue that was on my sandal. i had to sit down right where i was cuz the ground was burning my foot and my sister had to go into a stor and pay $13 for a pair of flip flops for me.

    thats how hot it was.

    but like i said it won't ruin your trip unless you let it.

    i didn't let it ruin my trip.  

  8. There is plenty of places with great air conditioning here in Orlando.  Not to mention end of August it really starts to cool!  You will have fun, and if you are still nervous you should look into reading a good guide about Walt Disney World

    Have fun!

  9. Yep.........and expensive.........

  10. No, you are in Disney!  I agree you will feel like you are about 10 feet from the sun, but put on the suntan lotion, wear light and comfy clothing and have a great time!

  11. I went a week ago, and no it was not unbearable. I was very afraid that it would be miserable, but it was actually the hottest in the mornings! It rained every afternoon, which cooled it off for the rest of the day. It felt like it was around 75 degrees. I may have just been lucky, but I found the weather to be very pleasant. Have fun and don't worry!

  12. You will love it.

    We are going at the end of August/early September and cannot wait.

    Drink plenty of water.

  13. It can get to 95 degrees there. You will have the hot sun bearing down on you. It shouldn't be overwhelmingly humid.

    Make sure you have a hat. Carry a water bottle with you. Best thing I did was to buy cheap thin washcloths. I put them into little snack zip lock bags. We could go into the restrooms and really be able to wash off with cold water. Getting them wet with cold water and putting them around your neck can help too. Don't forget to eat. When you are very hot you don't eat as much. But eating can help with dehydration. Just drinking water all day will flush your system too much. Try not to drink soda.

    Do an outside ride, then an inside ride.  

  14. It will be hot and humid, but if you plan well, you will have no problem.  We used Custom Mouse Plans and they were so great.  The plans had us out of the parks during the hottest part of the day, but we were still able to ride everything, often with little to no wait!  Their plans had us in the pool or napping during the nasty hot parts of the day.  We all loved it!  We didn't miss out on any rides or fun, and still got a chance to cool off!

  15. It is really hot in july and august in the end of august it wont be as hot as in july.  The best time to go is in october but you will have fun even if it is hot.

    Have Fun

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