
I'm going to Disneyland Paris but I'm overweight - 308lb (22 st) - will I be able to go on the rides?

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I forgot to put in my height : I'm 5'8"




  1. You should be able too. They might discriminate. If they do, then sue.

  2. u will be able to go on any ride u want to its more of a question will u be able to fit in the seat the rollercoast that dont go upside down or that stuff yeah cuz those seat r either 2 small or 1 large but the ones that go upside down those seats r kinda tight even for me and im 5:9ft and i weigh 190

  3. Most books on disney (see web site below) have a section on this.

    Try your library if you don't want to buy a Disney book.

    Also check out

    At large reports from people who have been there

  4. Yes I believe some you won't want to go on, but most definitely, have a good time, big hugs

  5. You should be able to, but you may not have anyone riding with you.  The seats are able to fit two smaller people or 1 large person.

  6. well, I guess it depends on your height. if you are 5'2" and 308 then you probably wont fit in the seats. if you are 6'5" or taller, then they will probably ask you to put on a character costume.

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