
I'm going to France for my first time!!!?

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So... I'm going to France for my very first time and everyone keeps telling me how awful the bathrooms are... are they really that bad? Will my pursed be ripped of me by gypsies? Does anyone have good advice for travelling to France? Common, I need some ideas of what it is like. Does anyone have any good/bad stories to tell me?? All the info is appreciated. Thanks for the help.




  1. Compared to the US, the hotel rooms and bathrooms are what we consider "small".  However, you can find hotels with very nice and very adequate sized rooms if that is important to you.  You can find larger sized or ever oversized rooms if you look, but you will also pay more for larger rooms.  Having said that, there are also extremely tiny restrooms in some of the restaurants--some so small you will wonder how anyone expects you to fit into them, downstairs in the basement or in some dark hallway.  Some of these things are rarely, if ever, found in the States.  So expect some of this on your trip, but remember it is one of many differences you find when traveling to other countries.

    Gypsies are to be found too.  The scams include a small postcard and "Do you speak English?"  Answer, and you are in for some begging big-time.  Just say "NO!" and keep walking.  Another is "Did you drop this gold ring I just found at your feet?"  This is after they drop it in front of you so it can be found.  Then they try to get 10 euros for the gold ring and insist it is yours, but want to be paid for "finding it" for you.  Just walk away and be on the lookout for this stuff.  They will also work in teams to distract you while someone else picks your pocket.  But just be very careful and aware and you will not become a target.  You have to protect your valuables whereever you go, not just in Paris.  We had at least 6 to 8 of these things during our 10-day trip.

    I used a money belt, carried very little in my pockets (I did have my Streetwise Map stolen from my back pocket on our last day) and was very careful, especially on the Metro.  You should be fine if you are careful--nobody is going to attack you.  Everyone is very nice in Paris and you should have a great time.  If you want a large bathroom, do your research and you can find what you want.  In public places, you'll get whatever they have and deal with it the best you can.  But don't worry, it is a beautiful city and you will love it.  

    By the way, the hotels don't have washcloths in the bathrooms.  If you want them, pack them with you.  Just one of those things......

  2. yes, In Paris, if you choose one of these low hostels, the bathrooms are very've got for your money !!!....

    you will choose a room average 80€ by night.

    And no problems with gypsies, you must care of yourself, exactly like everywhere in a big town.

  3. Oh ! my god !

    I tought that that very old thinking had desappear !!!!

    Why do you still think that ???

    Where are modern now ! We can buuy new bathroom equipment !!!

    If you go in a profond and forget countryside, or if you pay an hotel very very cheap, maybe you will find old bathroom, but "normal people" has normal bathroom !

  4. I don't know why people tell french are not clean but that's wrong . I'm french and i take a shower every morning and every evening and i clean my bathroom very often , so ...

  5. Wow so many awful misconceptions all in one!

    Why would the bathrooms be bad? That obviously depends on where you are, just like in the US. (I'm assuming you're from there?)

    No, don't worry about the gypsies. Europe has a high number of pick-pocketers, but as long as you're careful with your belongings, always having you bag in front of you and closed tightly, you should be fine!

    I found France to be such an amazing, beautiful place. The people were so friendly (as long as you're not some arrogant jerk). Try and learn some French before going there. Although almost everyone speaks English, it's better to be able to speak their language. You will have a great time!

  6. No the bathrooms are not bad.  Generally they are quite clean.

    No the gypsies will not get you but for some reason even Parisians will tell you that.  Iwas there for 2 weeks last year and did not have any problems with Gypsies

    Pickpcketing does exist but is not so bad in France.  It is very bad in Amsterdam however,

    Use common sense, brush up on your French and you'll have a trip of a lifetime.

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