
I'm going to France soon and I'm kinda scared that I will get homesick when I'm there...

by  |  earlier

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What should I do?

I'm 13 and I'm going with some of my family.




  1. If you're going with some of your family then it won't be all that bad, just focus on having fun and if you feel home sick and need to cry then just get it all out of your system.

    Hopefully, you'll be occupied and busy having fun you won't have enough time to be homesick.

    = )

  2. France is evil, don't do it! lol.


    Is it a holiday or moving? If it's a holiday don't worry it's only a short while and you might enjoy it lol! If you are moving talk to your family and tell them how you are feeling. Also make a good couple trips out with your mates before you go to remember. Get peoples email addresses so you can keep in contact.  

  3. you could make a scrpbook with pics of all your friends, have them write notes to you, take pics at the places you spend most of your time.  

  4. You will be homesick, but you'll get over it in about a day... and then you can have lots of fun exploring France.

  5. Take some pictures with you and if you dont have a cell phone then buy a phone card so you can make calls to friends and family back home..aside from that there's not much you can just go...try to have some fun and dont think about it so much and ill be you have a'll be back home before you know it.

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