
I'm going to Frankfurt in July and i need some advise and tips.?

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What are the top sights at frankfurt? do people speak english? are they friendly? how's the food? do they have nice clothes? is it expensive?




  1. You might want to check this site out :

    Lots of info about location, shopping, eating and so much more!

    Have fun in Frankfurt and say Hi to My Mom! :-)

  2. I lived in Frankfurt over 24 years. It's a such a nice place. People speaking English, don't worry. Friendly, it's multicultural city, the food is good, you can shop, nice stores... expensive??? Are you coming from the US, yes than it's expensive, we have EURO and the $ is so low.

    What you can see there: ZOO, Palmengarten (Botanic garden) old Opera and downtown, the high buildings the business metro pole, over the main river to the south Frankfurt there is the nice Sachsenhausen (where you can drink famous Apple wine and eat good Frankfurt/M. food. In July will be here good weather also.

    I wish you a nice trip...

  3. *Sob* my hometown!

    Top sights: Alte Oper (old opera house)

    Banking district

    Red light district

    River boat cruise on the river "Main"

    Weekend evening: go to Sachsenhausen, that's a part of Frankfurt for some good pubs and ask the taxi driver to take you to to some good places to taste 'Ebbelwein' (apple wine) and 'Rippchen mit k***t' ribs with Sauerkraut. Good stuff ('Wagner' is a good address for that).

    Mostly everyone spoeaks english, it's taught as a second language at school. Some older people might not speak it though. Once you start mingling with the locals, you won't find them unfriendly. Usually Americans have a problem with the german way at the beginning, as you will not say 'Hi' to someone you don't know, or smile at them in the street. But that's just the way it is, it's not because people are unfriendly.

    Food is GOOD. Try some 'Grie Soooss' or "Gruene Sosse', that's a cold sauce with lots of local herbs, that turns it green. To be eaten with potatoes and hard boiled eggs, or cooked beef (Ilike the eggs).

    Clothes are very stylish, just the newest things. Even with the local youth wearing the baggy hip hop style just like in the States.

    With the current Euro-Dollar conversion rate, yes it is expensive, but you'll always find bargains everywhere.

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