
I'm going to Ireland for a week with no hotel booked. How can I live like a local?

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I want to get back to my heritage, and live like a local. What's the best way to experience an authentic Irish lifestyle?




  1. your best staying in B&B's so - theres normally nice friendly people that run them, and they will really make you feel at home! or else ask someone can you stay in their house (you wont get authentic in hotels) and dont be fooled into thinking that we live like they do in the movies...Ireland is a lot different to the stereotypical views most people not living in Ireland have!

    But i know what kind of holiday your looking for...when i went to Chicago last year we stayed in a house with a relative and his flat mates - was  way better than it could have been had we stayed in a hotel, really got to see proper american lifestyle! it was great :)

    enjoy your holiday!

  2. Cut out the MacDonald's and start walking .... there's start!

    But seriously, there are Bed & Breakfasts still available (that's assuming you're going outside of the summer season and not taking a chance of going while it's a holiday weekend, then I'd say good luck to you because you will need it) and you can try to get these through the organisation Family Homes of Ireland, they do have a website.

    Good luck!

    And people do walk here, by the way.

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