
I'm going to Jamaica next month for 9 days. How much spending money should I bring with me?

by Guest67080  |  earlier

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I'm 21 and I'm going with my bf. I'm not sure what it is I want to do. Horseback riding? Swiming with the dolphins?




  1. It depends, how old are you?

    Who are you going with?

    What are you planning on doing?

    The way you asked your question its so vague and noone can tell you for sure how much you're going to need.

  2. the exchange rate is 1 american dollar = 70 jamaican dollars.  

    a cheap meal is about 500 jamaican dollars.  so three meals a day + water, drinks....... you're talking roughly $60 American dollars a day... unless your resort package covers meals and certain tourist activities... we're talking about 200 dollars a day.    

    I lived there from August 2007 til May 2008.  Prices are high.  Hope that helps.


  3. If you go to an all inclusive resort you will only need money for soveniors  and for any motor sports. I suggest you bring at least $50 for tipping.  The US dollar is worth a lot there.  I also recommend swimming with the dolphins.  That should cost about $150 ea person but it is well worth it.

  4. bringn your visa and you know with all the cost of the money theire and hotel att less 2,000 dollars and that sit  oh! and again  bring your visa

  5. Nine days. Bring $300 for each day when you plan on going on any activity. $50 for each day you plan on just staying at your resort plus $500 to buy gifts to bring back for folks.

    I am just assuming that you will be staying at an all-inclusive. You may not need all that money or you may need more. Your personal habits will greatly affect this.

  6. about $3000 U.S if you want to have a great time

  7. about 100-200$

    Hoped I helped!

  8. Wow!  Alot of you guys must have some serious cash at your disposal!  When I go, I plan on $100 dollars a day but I stay at guest houses  for $25-$35 a night and I eat at the local joints. If it is your first time and you want to see some of the cultural and natural sites then that is what costs you money. I know Dolphin Cove costs a pretty penny........

  9. Well if you going next month I would like to believe you already book hotels if not, do so before you go down. If you are going to an all inclusive you don't need a lot about $500 to have fun and buy gifts to bring back. if you aren't staying at one then take with you at lease $2500. we both suggestion you will should bring back money.

  10. Bring about $100-150 a day depending on what you want to do.  Some days you'll spend more other days, less.  

    Contact us at and we can plan an itinerary for you and provide you with the transportation while you're here.

  11. To do what you want & buy things you MIGHT want, I suggest $100 per day may not spend it all, but its better to come home with something left over than not having enough while your there.

  12. you need about 2000 dollars because 1 american dollar equals 70 jamaican dollars and with 70 jamaican dollars you could buy a patty

  13. Look bring about $5,000 tops. The least amount i would advice is $2,000.

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