
I'm going to Laughlin and can someone help me here??

by Guest59436  |  earlier

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I'm going to Laughlin on the 22nd of this month and i have NO MONEY!!The reason i really want to go is because my childhood friend invited me and i haven't seen her in soooo long and it would be kinda like a reunion. So anyway, I don't want to back out now that i said i was going but as I said I'm completely broke and I don't know whether to back out or somehow scrap sum money in order to go..Can someone tell me in detail about how much money is needed to stay there for the weekend? What will I need to take? Thank you!




  1. Hi I ahve staeyd in Laughlin 3 times and I have never paid more than $30 a night but this has not been at weekends, food is cheap and it costs nothing to walk along the river, sorry I can t be of more help


  2. Well price out the cheapest room you can, at

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