
I'm going to London and need help...

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I don't know what to do on the plane! I'm going to try to sleep... what are some good tricks to fall asleep? Thanks.




  1. Drink milk. Try to relax, London is wonderful, but the weather here is c**p at the moment!

  2. Buy a lot of magazines, bring some books, music if you have an ipod/mp3 player.

    Also, if it's a long transatlantic flight you'll get films to watch. I just got back from America (I live in the UK) and the flights were long and my tv screen broke, so magazines etc kept me busy!

    Also, you might want to bring an eyemask/earplugs. Planes are pretty hard to sleep on! And put a relaxing playlist on your ipod, it'll be easier to fall asleep to!

    Have a great trip!

  3. Usually, I read magazines.

    it helps me sleep, and i can also become knowledge filled with the advice given. I would recommend Cosmogirl, its not as intimate for the younger crowd. You could also color, for some reason staring at paper makes me tired.

    also, like the other person said, them neck pillows.

    but it may be interesting trying to get that through security because of all of their retarded rules and regulations.

    OH, i just thought of one, it helped me sleep when i was little and didn't want to go to sleep early for school.

    I used to think of a letter NOT in the alphabet.

    and boy i would think hardddd. haha.

    hey, it worked though.

    good luck on the flight and have fun!

  4. I've always had trouble sleeping on a plane, so maybe if you can't either, try to read (bring a good book), listen to music, watch the in-flight movie.  

  5. count backwards from ten

    deep breaths

    clearing your mind of the stress and excitement

    Bring an ipod or some kind of music to listen to

    think of something peaceful or boring

  6. I went to London last year I LOVED it, and can't wait to go again!! You're going to have so much fun!! On the plane ride there, I brought magazines. LOTS of them, and I brought 2 novels, a sketchbook (I was into fashion design then.) Some homework type stuff, my ipod (fully charged.) On the planes, they should have it so everyone has their own little TV on the back of the seat, so you can watch TV, or they'll play like 3 or 4 movies on the way. I brought all that junk, and all I did was listen to music and watch TV. Don't worry about falling asleep - you should be tired! I suggest listening to soft music, and just reclining your seat, getting comfortable, and closing your eyes. It may take a while, but you'll fall asleep eventually!!! Have fun!!!

  7. Watch the movies, they usually have some good ones on atlantic flights.

    You'll fall asleep without thinking about it once you get tired enough.

  8. Going to London!! best trip[ of my life. I can't help you with sleep- I find it impossible on a plane. Take something onto the plane with you that you can do instead of sleep. Just in case.

    I like to take a drawing pad, and a book to read. And once I got bored with those I watched the films, or just stard at the progress screen. something interesting to check out - if the plane has it - is the bird's eye camera. It gives you a real time view from the bottom of the plane. Its fantastic.

    Other than those things, if you can sleep, go ahead. time'll pass alot faster. I just can't. I end up wriggling about into all sorts of positions that just make the trip uncomfortable if I even try.

    Good Luck!! enjoy the trip!!

  9. get some over the counter sleeping aids.  Don't drink any alcohol get yourself one of those goofy neck pillows - they really do help, realx and don't over sleep before the flight.  If it's a long one you can take a book ,and most flights now will have movies on demand playing in the back of the seat in front of you, so there are things to do

  10. First of all, You are soooooooooooooo lucky!!! I've always wanted to go!!!

    But to answer your question, read till u cant keep your eyes open. It works for meeeeeeee!!!!!

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