
I'm going to Lymington on the South Coast of England this friday, anyone know any good pubs/bars/clubs?

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Lymington on the South Cost of England, three 20 year old girls looking for a good night out!Thanks




  1. not in lyimington,

    you should get the train to bourmouth much better night life

    there are a few pubs in lyiminton not much eles

    have fun xxxx

  2. There are three fairly lively bars (no night clubs i'm afraid) one at the bottom of town by the railway station (in station street) with the other two up the top of the hill, High st...St Thomases Street and rt into Queens Street.  These two are called The Thomas Tripp and The Fusion Inn.  Yes Bournemouth is far better for clubs and accessable by train.  BUT you can't get Back!  The last train leaves just after 11pm and that will have missed the Brockenhurst-Lymington conection by an hour or so!! Some of the locals get a taxi back but it is 20ish miles- a lot of dosh.  Southampton is a lot easier to get back from although not as nice as Bournemouth.  Whatever you do- don't go to New Milton!  It is where dead people go to die!!  There is a market in town on saturday which is quite good as markets go- locally. Have a great time-  hope the sun shines.

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