
I'm going to Mexico tommorow,what can i expect???

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A friend has some etxra tickets & she offered them to me. I'm going to Puebla,what will it be like?? Are they used to seeing black people(I was born in French Guyana) will they stare or be nice?? A serious Question. My boyfriend is Mexican,but he is not going. What can you tell me,thanks!!!!




  1. if u going to puebla dont forget to eat the candy called camote is made by the local people and it is wonderful.

    The fact you are black wont mean anything in Mexico most will think nothing of it.

    Take some light cotton clothes and a pair of sweats and a light jacket for the breeze in the evening. Just go and have fun, stay in areas well lit and don't get to drunk.

    Rules are the same as anywheres else that is unfamiliar but be very aware of your surroundings and bepolite and you will have a awsome time.

  2. Puebla is a nice town you will love it!!!! People are really nice just enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... & have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. it is gorgeous! you are so lucky. they will not care. just relax and you will have a wonderful time!

  4. Try the typical food frm there is sooooo good....semitas and mole r the most representative dishes .

    U can take the turibus tht is a hop on hop off bus tht will take u 2 every interesting spot in the city:

    To be honest in mex we r not really used 2 c black ppl cause here there r so few but dont worry they r not gonna look at u as a weird thing and they r not gonna b rude or discrimitating, ppl is nice.

  5. You'll get some stares but, only that, people will be nice.

  6. have a good time

  7. There are hardly any black people in Mexico, but most Mexicans are friendly and welcome tourist from anywhere in the world. Puebla is not very exiting so don't expect much. Hopefully you'll get to travel a little within Mexico. Just try to be with someone at all times and just try to stay safe, Mexico is not as safe (the streets) as most parts of the U.S.

  8. dont drink the tap water!!!! lol plus if you have a weak stomach you might feel a little sick to the stomach for a day or two usually happens to 1st timers!! make sure you go to their "jardin" garden.

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