
I'm going to Paris by myself. Will I still enjoy "the city for lovers"??

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I'm a 29 year old, female.




  1. youll probly still enjoy it even if your not going with anyone

  2. Ofcourse! I just went to London by myself. I am 22. I had a great time, didn't want to leave! Good Luck!

  3. Everything (almost) is nicer when you have someone to share it with, but if you're happy in your own company, you'll love Paris.  The mere beauty of it alone is enough to make a glad heart gladder.

  4. Of course!

    U know, I visited it with my parents, that was a quit stupid..u know, "lovers..."parents"... Not the right combination :D

    So my thought was: "I go to the city of Fashion and Shopping"! That's cooler and u can do it by yourself :)

  5. Absolutely! Not only will you enjoy Paris, but you will also fall in love with the city. Trust me.

  6. definitly!!!! you can go meet new friends or hot guys!! have fun in paris!

  7. Yes. Have a good time. <}:-})

  8. Absolutely, Paris is very rich - culturally and historically, and it's charm and abience does aid the course of love for couples

    However it is certainly not a stigma to go there on your own.  It's is one of those cities which is museum and gallery rich, and actually it is nice to do those kind of things on your own, at your own pace anyway.  

    Then a bit of shopping (and who needs a bloke tagging alone for that!).

    Then a stop at a cafe for a drink or two.  If you feel uncomfortable take a book, but it is relaxed enough to sit there and enjoy people watching and often you get chatting anyway due to the volume of tourists there in the city

    Then in the evening, don't feel like you have to sit in your hotel room or restaurant for dinner.  I have been there on business on my own and ventured out to small cosy restaurants and felt very at home.  The staff were really sweet and friendly and again, you usually end up chatting to people.............. and who knows, maybe it could be where you end up meeting someone special!

  9. No problem. Just catch your self one. You are the right age.

  10. yea

  11. Of course :)


  12. Absolutely.  It's a beautiful city with a lot to see and do, great food, and just a terrific atmosphere.  Just watch out for dog p**p on the streets...I found that they weren't very good about that when I was there eight years ago.  It is a great city for lovers (OK, I was there on my honeymoon), but it's still a *city*, with everyday, ordinary city people living there.  I mean, it's not like you're going to see nothing but people holding hands and walking arm-in-arm lol!

    You'll love the Metro, btw.  They've got accordian players on it and everything.  I think that's mostly for tourists, but it's still quite lovely and French.  And I found the French were not s****. like everyone makes out...if you're polite and don't act like a rude tourist type, they will be very nice and helpful.  It helps if you speak a bit of French and at least try...they'll appreciate the effort even if your French is not very good.

    I'd love to go back, and I'd go on my own (I'm a 52 year old female, btw)!  Have a fantastic time!

  13. Well you love yourself, don`t you? you still fit into the city of lovers. he-he..But in no time you will meet an Michel, Pierre, or an Jean-Claude, and you won`t be alone,...that`s why they call Paris city of lovers...but wait, then what is city of LIGHTS?..I thought THAT was Paris...

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