
I'm going to Porto Alegre on business for 6 months, are there any sights to see?

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I'm going to Porto Alegre on business for 6 months, are there any sights to see?




  1. Oh yes, there are many things to see.

    Rio Grande do Sul is state of Porto Alegre, and along with the states Santa Catarina and Paraná, also in south Bazil, they are the most "european" states comparing to the others. Like, the weather is more similar, there are snow in some places, also the architecture, most people are descendants of europeans (most germans, polishs, and Italians), in some places in Rio Grande do Sul, most in farm areas, you can hear people speaking german or polish to eachother. So, this states have most white people, a lot of blondes and red hairs; witch is so diferent from northeast, for instance, where most people are mixed or black. However, like in all Brazil, has every kinds of peoples and races.Also the south has the best HDI level in Brazil.  

    Now, talking about sights to see. You'll have a lot of time, so I will give you many advices...

    Porto Alegre: Is the metropole nº1 in Life Quality (United Nations/UN - 2002). Beautiful city, is surround by 5 rivers, is one of the urban cities in the world that have more trees. It's a model city in terms of car traffic, and recycling, where 100% of the waste is recycled. Land of the "Gaúchos" and "Churrasco" (Brazilians barbecue) and 'Chimarrão" (a strong and hot tea prepared from erva mate). Important Brazilian universities, such as UFRGS, FFFCMPA and PUCRS are located there. It have the Farroupilha Week , witch is Musical and dancing shows from the Pampas region, typical foods, and a traditionalist parade. This event always takes place from September 13th to 20th. Strong culture, influenced by europe, and strong music culture.

    Here in this website has many things to you read and see. There's a list with all the architectures to visit, tourism, economics, pictures, famous people from porto alegre, parks, etc...and it is in english. :

    But may I say, you will stay a longe time, so you should visit some other places that are near and also very beautiful... My advises are (in south Brazil, because there's planny more!!) :

    Rio Grande do Sul State - - :

    Gramado - - , Canela - - , Pelotas - - and Praia do Cassino ( The longest beach in the world) - - .

    Paraná State - - :

    Iguaçu Falls - - and Ilha do Mel ( Honey Island ) , i didn't foudn in english, but you must see!

    Santa Catarina State - - :

    Finally the state that I chose to live ( I'm from São Paulo).

    Florianópolis - - ( Floripa has 42 beaches, so there's a lot to see) , Balneário Camboriú - - , Blumenau - - , Imbituba - - and many more that doesn't have in english...

    Here is the governmant tourism website :

    So... hope that I helped you... Have a nice trip!

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