
I'm going to Rome for 3 days in next week where are the best places to go ?

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I will be going there for the 1st time I am wondering where/ what are the best places to vist, shop and dine as a tourist .. also any good hotels to saty in ( 4/5 star)




  1. If you go to the vatican, be sure that you go on a day the pope comes out to bless the crowd, I thought it was Sunday and Weds but double check. Bring some rosary beads and hold them up so they get blessed.

    Personally, I loved the Roman Forum, the catacombs, the fountain of Trevi,

    If you take the train or bus, dont take a purse, they sometimes cut the bottom of the purse so everything comes out.

    The spanish steps are gorgeous, of course there is the colloseum. Consider buying a picture from an artist on the bridge.

    Just some thoughts, it was a bit ago I went.

  2. Hotel:

    Residenza Canali, Via dei Coronari

    Best places to visit (just the essential):

    S. Pietro

    Castel S. Angelo


    Foro Romano

    Piazza del Campidoglio

    Piazza Navona

    Piazza di Spagna

    Fontana di Trevi


    S. Maria Minerva

    S. Ignazio

    S. Ivo alla Sapienza

    Via dei Coronari

    Domus Aurea

    S. Maria in Trastevere

    Campo de' Fiori



    Via Veneto

    Villa Borghese


    Via Condotti, Via Frattina, Via del Corso, Via del Babuino

    Outlet Castel Romano, Outlet Valmontone


    Try this link for info

  4. That is not very long for such a ways to go, is it? Better choose carefully and it depends upon what you like to do.

  5. Visit S.Catherine of Siena's grave at Santa Maria Sopra Minerva close to the Pantheon at Piazza Minerva

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