
I'm going to UNCG Summer Music Camp next week, and I'm kinda nervous. Any advice or tips?

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My brother and I signed up for UNCG Summer Music Camp on the first day we could, so naturally we were accepted. I play the trumpet and he plays the trombone (which is kind of funny because he is very small). This will be my first time away at camp. I'm going to be the youngest in the band (11) too. Any tips or advice? Your experiences in this camp or others? What I should maybe pack, but it isn't on the list? All answers are read and appreciated. Thanks! :P




  1. Don't be nervous.

    Be yourself and be friendly =)

    Have fun!!

    Just bring some snacks, clothes, iPod, digital camera, anything to entertain you.

  2. Don't be afraid of making friends or talking to people.  They will probably "adopt" you, since you will be the youngest.  The nice thing about music camps is that everyone there has the same interests, so it's nice -- no matter who you talk to, you KNOW that you have SOMETHING in common with them.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions -- most people love to answer questions because it makes them feel smart :-)  Try to find one or two people that you especially get along with, and have lunch with them, etc.  There are probably some people there with friends, too, so the first day or so, everyone tends to stick close to their friends.  Don't be hesitant about asking if you can join a group for lunch or dinner, etc.

    Try to get some sleep at night -- the wake-up call comes awfully early if you were up until 3 AM texting folks back home.  As a matter of fact, try to pretend that you have no way to contact people at home -- it help you focus on the people around you, instead of people that you might wish were there.

    You're going to have a great time!  My daughter's been going to music camps for YEARS, and last summer spent six weeks touring Europe with an orchestra, so you have a lot to look forward to!

    Pack snack food, but try not to pack a lot of sugar.  Pack a roll of quarters for the drink machine, if there's one in the dorm.  Bring your own pillow, if you want -- sometimes the camp pillows are a little thin.  Bring pictures from home.  Bring a "shower caddy", so you can tote your stuff to the shower and back, if you don't have a private bath. Don't forget cheap flip-flops for the bathroom -- shower floors can be GROSS.  Bring pj's that you wouldn't be embarrassed being seen in by a guy. COMFORTABLE SHOES, bring a sweater or sweatshirt in case the rehearsal hall is too cool (sometimes they are, even in summer).  Bring a water bottle, and maybe some mixers for the water, like the Crystal Light individual tubes of drink mix, if you get bored with water. BRING A CAMERA!  You're going to have lots of new friends, and you're going to want pictures!  Clean your instrument well before you go -- taking  a dirty instrument is unprofessional. Take your summer reading, too, because there will be "quiet" time.  Take a pack of playing cards.  

    And call your mom in the middle of the week -- she'll love to hear from you :-)

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