
I'm going to a new high school and I'm scared!!

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I'm starting school in a month. The think is, I won't know anyone because I'm a freshman and no one I know is going to this school! I'm scared that I won't make any friends. Also, on my first day I won't have anyone to sit with at lunch. =( Hopefully that won't last too long. Any tips for my first day of school and with meeting people? And also how can I not be nervous! I'm pretty shy when I first meet people. Actually, I've grown out of that a little bit but I'm still scared! Help anyone!




  1. Face your fears!  if you're a newbie, always try to do the first move of meeting new friends. find a common topic of conversation. the first prospect for a buddy is your seatmate, or any one you can bump into in schools. Schools are exciting as long as you know how to enjoy being in school. try to join clubs to meet new friends. Have fun and goodluck!

  2. actually, what you feel is normal because most of us feel the same when we are in a new school or environment and in order to overcome that, you have to be friendly to your classmates and understand their behavior.

  3. join a sport freshmen sports starts real soon and you'll have friend on the first day and be 'cool.'

  4. i think you should talk to people that are in your classes. other people will be new to everyone and will be nervous. if you see a group of people that you might like to know then go over and ask if you can sit. i don't really think you can help being nervous though

  5. sparta will burn to the ground

  6. in the period before lunch look around your classroom and observe people. when you see someone you think seems pretty cool and friendly then you make eye contact with them, smile and admit that you dont know anyone in this school. then ask them if you can sit with them for lunch. i find that interacting in class will help you make friends because it makes you seem approachable. make a point to make conversation with the person sitting next to you. I dont know how you can NOT be nervous but act confident...hopefully the rest will follow.

  7. Ok, don't worry about it. Everyone's new on the first day and I'm sure you'll find someone. I guess one tip I can give you is to be friendly with everyone! Say hi to everyone you see and smile at them. People would see that you're open and friendly and want to get to know you. Also, meet one person and say, "let's have lunch together" don't worry if they're not the usual gang you sit with at lunch- at least you'll have someone! And maybe they can invite you to sit with his guy friends, or his cute girl ones!! :)  

  8. Make sure to display your interest so you can find common ground. In addition, this might even prompt others to start speaking to you! Being shy is alright, as long as it is not too severe. Keep in mind that many may be in a similar situation as you, so taking initative my actually do them a favor. Good luck. High School isn't all too bad.

  9. Be Friendly, Scan someone for something that you like and complement them on it, or ask for help on something. Maybe you'll meet someone new. Make Sure To EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. If you walk in late the teacher will probably automatically notice you. Find out about the school, what type of style they have, if they wear uniforms you don't have to worry about looking crazy, but if so, you've got shopping to do................

  10. well, most people are scared on there first day of school, and your probely not the only one :). so just be yourself, and im sure you'll have atleats one friend at the end of the day.

  11. omg I'm in the same situation. I'm going to a brand new high school I've never seen before. I'm totally freaking out because I won't know anyone, and I'm afraid I'll be sitting by myself at lunch. I wish I had a twin sister or something, then we could go together. :(   I'm really shy too so this is a major problem. I've been home schooled for awhile so I can't remember what school is like. I'm afraid of getting up in front of the class and making a fool out of myself. I think the best thing is try to hide the fact that your heart feels like its coming out of your chest, and remember other students are in the same situation. Take three deep breaths when you feel you can't take it, and just think "hey I can be who ever I want to be at this new school where no one has met me before. So if I'm super shy, no one has to know." get involved with clubs, sports, and stuff, so you can meet other people. Ask the teacher if there are any new students in your grade, if so go and talk to them, because they know how you're feeling. Good luck and wish me luck please!!!! :)))

  12. I know exactly what your going through. I went from a public school to a snooty private school in 8th grade. I didn't know anyone, and HATED it for the first few months. I'm now going to be a senior, and it was the best choice I've ever made. I have great new friends, and can't picture myself anywhere else.

    If you're into a sport, music, or theater...sign up for the classes! I signed up for theater and made friends in a week. Just be friendly...but more importantly be yourself! I'm sure you'll be fine.

  13. just5 be yourself, friendsips happen naturely

  14. Friends:easiest way... relax, smile, be friendly, and just be yourself

    Lunch: try to make friends in some of your classes and try to sit with them... if that doesn't work out be assertive and don't look nervous if ur sitting on the edge of a table

    nervousness (talking to people): ok take a deep breath and just take the plunge! the worst thing that could happen is that they don't become your friend

    & good luck fellow freshman!

  15. Just be outgoing, and ask to sit with people you think you will like...that's the only way.  You'll be fine.

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