
I'm going to a new school and i need to know how to keep a good rep

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so i just moved to Florida and I have been getting really bad reputations for no reason. Everyone im surrounded by are just really prude and are soo judgmental . I have hooked up with boys that aren't my boyfriend but i don't hook up often, like if i like a guy or something, but they all think im a ****. I'm the kinda grl thats loves to have fun but knows wen its to much but no one understands that. I am starting a new school next year that my rentz r forcing me to go to and every1 in that school listens to the rumors and also think I'm a w***e and all the guys try to hit on me and talk sexually to me thinking I'm easy. I need advice on how i can change peoples perspectives on what they think of me and show them that im not a ****!




  1. best advice i can give you remembering my high school years, is be nice to everyone, dont "disclude" or make fun of people you may think are "losers" or "not cool" and DO NOT WHATSOEVER talk trash (rumors, bad comments, labels) about anyone. as long as you keep your mouth shut and you're nice to people you shouldnt have any problems!

  2. You could join a club or after school thing to show them u r capable  of doing things.

  3. First of all, when you say "hook up" do you mean getting together or making out? Because if you mean making out, that could be your problem. It's fine to flirt and have fun, but try not to go too far with things. But, if you mean just hanging out, try hanging with a co-ed group... bigger the better. It gives less room for people to talk. Kids/Teens can be very mean... very.

    It's normal for rumors to spread about a "new girl" but eventually it dies down if you're nice to everyone and not going too far with flirting, especially in front of other girls. (Girls can be just plain evil. Especially at that age). Number one rule: Don't make fun of ANYONE. Don't spread rumors. If you stay nice and reserved, but show you can have fun without taking things too far, everything should be fine! I know it's a bit easier said than done, but it's worth it if you do. Don't hide yourself in a shell either, because that's the perfect bait for everyone to talk.

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