
I'm going to a new school.

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I'm going to a new school, and even worse than that I'm going to middle school! Any tips about going to a new school. Or any tips on how to survive middle school? Any help is awesome.




  1. get good grades and work hard

    make friends and socialize

    be confident

    participate in extracurricular activites

    but most importantly, be yourself

  2. I know what boat you're in: I had to go into a middle school right after moving across the country.

    Don't worry about trying to fit in too much. If you just act like yourself and try to be friendly to your peers, you should fall into place. I was really shy when I moved three years ago, and it took a while before I began to enjoy school.

    And middle school is only as hard as you think it's going to be. Focus, and you'll do just fine. Freak out and panic, and you'll begin to believe that you are a failure and make more mistakes. It's true.

    Good luck in middle school, and in your new group of friends that you'll find there.

  3. just try and small talk with people. I'm kindof shy, so for me, it's easier said than done. but just be yourself, and that'll help a lot. join some after-school activities. for example, my freshman year I was really nervous and didn't know a lot of people, and I like to act so I joined the drama club/play thing. I met a lot of people with similar interests as me and it really helped get my self-esteem up and meet new people.

    middle school really isn't as bad as you might think. just be nice, be yourself, don't be too shy, and hopefully things will turn out for the best =]

  4. i know that you just stared middle school  im going to the 10th grade  manye so this is what you do stay away from bullies and  be nice to all your teachers because they are very mean you fell me......................................... hate bad kids so stay nice all ways i mean always do listening to people that talk about you and call you names pick your friends wiseeeeeeeee..................... u heard  manye middle school was hard for mee they always call me names they call me bighead ugly but the most they called me was bighead but if  you go there the first year your going to  have a few problems................................... bye a year a two they will leave you alone

  5. Make sure you go to your class quickly. Also, don't act rude to your teachers.

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