
I'm going to a water park and i have my period and i don't want to use a tampon?

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I'm going to a water park and i have my period and i don't want to use a tampon?




  1. If you're going to be inconsiderate of others' health don't go until you are off of your cycle or suck it up and use a tampon.

  2. good luck! your only option would be a pad and the stickiness on the pad that keeps it attached to your underwear will not hold up in water, not to mention water and chlorine. have you ever seen someone's pad floating in the pool. do yourself, but mainly the people who you share the water with, a favor and learn how to use a tampon. they have some really user friendly tampons.

  3. You have to use a tampon!! If you don't your blood will drip into the water everyone else is playing in. That is GROSSS!!! You would not want to play in someone elses blood would you?? Once you get use to the tampon idea it is really not that bad... I say Use the tampon or don't go... borry so blunt but that is really your only options... :)

  4. honestly, i've had issues in the past where i had my period and didn't want to use a tampon in the pool..when i was at a waterpark and had it i used a pad and then wore shorts over my pad and bathing suit and i was finee.

  5. Pads and swimming aren't a good idea.

    I don't know exactly why you won't use a tampon, but if you change your mind....

    Using a tampon is the only way I know of to participate in water-related recreation without embarrassing yourself.

  6. using a tampon is really the best way to go... i had a hard time with them at first because i thought they were really uncomfortable but you do eventually get used to them. if the water park isnt for a while try them out until then. its worth it to have the option of tampons and not wear pads all the time.

  7. honestly, tampons arent that bad i am a swimmer and i had the big divisional final and i got it the day before, i had no choice and they work just fine. just try it. u even feel cleaner when u have one in instead of having a disgusting pad on. trust me. hope this helps =]

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