
I'm going to a wedding, and I am not good with congratulating the newly-wedded couple...

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can anyone help me with a few sentences of what to say?




  1. Say to them, "Please try to remember this day with fondness in years to come when you can't stand the sight of one another and wish each other dead.", and while they stand gawping at you in shock and horror, you could throw in, "I'm only here for the free food.". That should do the trick.

  2. 1) Congratulate them.

    2) Comment on the bride, looks beautiful, radiant, whatever.

    3) Comment on the two of them, if they look really happy together, or look really in love, or whatever.

    4) Give them your well wishes.

  3. In the reception line, You congratulate the groom, "Bob, congratulations, I wish you all kinds of happiness."

    You give the bride best wishes, "Jane, all the best  wishes in the world for you."

    Later in the party, you can say things like, this is a great reception, the food was delish, what a great band, tell the bride she is beautiful in her wedding dress, and it is ok at a wedding to tell the groom his new bride is beautiful.

  4. "Hi Jo and Bob (obviously change these names for your friends names!) Thanks for inviting me to your wedding, Ive had a wonderful time. You both look so happy, good luck for the future!"

    Hope this helps :) xx

  5. You say . . .

    To the bride:  I am so happy for you.

    To the bride:  You are beautiful.  This gown is stunning.

    To the groom:  You look very handsome in that tux.

    To the groom:  Congratulations.  I wish you all the best.

  6. Just be casual. Try something like this: "Congrats to you both on your new family, I'm so happy for you and know you will make each other so happy!, And thank you for including me in your special day, it was a blast!"  

  7. I keep it really short and simple: Congratulations. Wish you all the best! This is a beautiful wedding. Great job!

  8. Congratulations! You make a lovely couple, and I wish you every happiness in the world!

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