
I'm going to a wedding.... help!

by  |  earlier

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im going to a wedding in three weeks time and i've gotten outta shape. i'm 5"10 and 13 and a half stone. can i lose like 2 stone in three weeks? i'm not bothered if its unhealthy... thanks in advance.




  1. I really wouldn`t worry about it.  At 5" 10` you should be tall enough to carry this weight without a  problem, and it isn`t that big.  You would be in hospital if you lost 2 stone in 3 weeks, as it is really unhealthy.  If you want to do something to make yourself feel better then do a detox, look online to find one or try Boots the chemist or something similar... you will feel healthier, you will look healthier and you will loose a little bit of weight at the same time.

  2. Please read this again: ' I'm going to a wedding.... help!

    im going to a wedding in three weeks time and i've gotten outta shape. i'm 5"10 and 13 and a half stone. can i lose like 2 stone in three weeks? i'm not bothered if its unhealthy... thanks in advance. '

    - Can't help you unless you make sure you finish school properly.

  3. as you are not the one getting married, i wouldnt worry too much about it

  4. i can email you some ideas if you allow your emails, or email me with your address.

    oh and i dont think you need to loose as much as 2stone if your 5"10

  5. Actually, I think her writing is far better than most on this site. :]

    But I'd say opt for fruit for breakfast, and try to eat nuts for a snack during the day. Almonds are low-fat, low carb. :]

    Good luck.

    answer mine!:

  6. why not choose proper dress to suit you, instead of thinking on losing weight. just a thought!

  7. I don't know what stone means!

  8. What do you mean by Stone?

    Just wear something that fit your body type!

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