
I'm going to a wedding this friday at 10am and reception is at 11am. I've never been to a wedding that early.

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Whats the proper attire? (they didn't mention attire in the invite) Will there be dancing? How long will it be? I don't know the couple very well.




  1. Being early it will definately not be a formal wedding (unless actually specified) so floor length gowns won't be appropriate.  By the same token - unless it is specified as a casual wedding - I would not wear anything too short or summery.  Remember some rules like no white (obviously - but this includes any off-whites as well), add colour to any black outfit (so you don't look like you are in mourning), no sparkly stuff (that is for the evenings), and if it is in a church you may want to cover your shoulders and knees.  Wear something like what you would wear to church... something like these would be appropriate...

    As far as dancing - there may be dancing, there may not.  It depends on the couple.  It is likely that there will be some dancing - but probably not as much as a typical evening wedding.  Generally lunch-time weddings are shorter as well - especially if they do not serve an actual lunch.  I would suggest it wouldn't run past 3pm.

  2. Just wear a pretty dress.

    We'll be going to our first morning wedding, too - in August. It's a second wedding for both, so they are having the ceremony at 11 and champagne lunch at 1. I am pretty sure that it's just lunch and visiting - unless they do a dance, just the wedding couple.

  3. They probably picked Friday because Saturday weddings get booked up for  up to a couple  years.  Wedding at 10, reception (meaning music and lunch) is at 11.  Wear what you would normally wear to a wedding, (dress, or pretty outfit) unless it is outdoor...then be a little more casual.

  4. I think that a nice pair of pants, long skirt or dress would be proper attire. I wouldn't wear a gown - but perhaps a nice sundress.

    I am sure there will be dancing; most receptions usually have dancing - but some brides and grooms opt not to now a days.

  5. An early daytime wedding is casual but nice. A pretty dress or outfit you might wear to a graduation is appropriate. I would hope that dancing was not planned but you can expect light refreshments. Everything else will be a pleasant surprise. By the way, one usually does not stay long at the reception if it is a day time event. It was planned for those times for a reason, possibly due to the couple leaving early for the honeymoon.

  6. This was our wedding...except on a Saturday. Our ceremony was at 10am and our brunch reception started at 11am.  Most of our female guests just dressed in sundresses - nothing too fancy.  

    We didn't have dancing, but that was mainly due to the space we were in and that we had a small wedding with guests that probably wouldn't have wanted to dance that early.  But I do know other girls who have had early afternoon receptions and had dancing and partying!  It simply depends on the bride and groom and if they think they're guests will get down and boogie that early.

    Our reception was only about 2 1/2 - 3 hours, but I feel was all too short.  I would plan for it to be about 3-4 hours, which is the normal amount of time for a reception (just because it's in the afternoon doesn't mean they don't want to fit in all the normal reception stuff!)

  7. Think about the possible reasons it would be so early.  They may have wanted to serve lunch instead of dinner because it's cheaper.  Or catch a flight for the honeymoon.  Or their venue was booked that evening.  Semi-casual sounds about right.  A sun dress for an outdoor wedding.  

    (Oh and I disagree with the first poster.  There are SO many people getting married this Friday because it's 08/08/08.  It may have been easier to book on the 9th this year because of the special day.)

  8. My guess is that it will be a less formal wedding than one that takes place in the evening.  I went to a 10 AM wedding once, and everyone was just wearing sundresses (girls) and collared shirts with ties and khakis (guys).  Don't expect a full meal at your reception- lots of people purposely plan their weddings for an "off" time like 10 AM so nobody expects a meal, therefore making it cheaper.  The morning wedding I went to just had really crappy appetizers and a fruit-and-cheese plate that looked like it was from Costco, and I was starving (and drunk after only one glass of champagne!) so make sure you eat a full breakfast before you go.  It will probably last about 2 hours and have minimal dancing (the couple's first dance, bride and father dance, groom and mom dance, a few line dances, etc.)  

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