
I'm going to an Audition tomorrow, How do I make them pick me?

by Guest45329  |  earlier

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I sign up for this Audition, and I don't know whether they will Pick me. How do I make them Pick me. tell me the steps of what should i do to make them Impress.




  1. what are you auditioning for....well one tip...always smile and have good posture

  2. Hmm... You have a few options. One would be to threaten you'll kill them if they don't pick you, Two would be to bribe them with money and Three would be to bribe them with s*x.

  3. One thing you can do to impress them is to act bubbly and nice! Don't look nervous and be funny and social! They will be impressed if you are totally fun and seem like a happy person that would be good in ensemble and work well with everyone! Also, Blow them away with your acting! Step out of the box and be creative!!! But, still be natural... The director will give you props for not playing it safe and giving it all you got! GOOD LUCK! I hope you get the part!

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