
I'm going to an elegant restaurant for Christmas at my job. What should I wear?

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I'm going to an elegant restaurant for Christmas at my job. What should I wear?




  1. A little black dress, and red high heels.

  2. I dont know...what are you wearing now

  3. Something elegant of coarse.

    A black knee length dress..heals,and knock out jewelry.

  4. If I am going to this elegant restaurant, I will ask my co-workes what they are wearing. I will not want to be out of place.

    Do nt be afraid to ask your co-workers. Or your boss for a feedback as to what to wear.

    Then decide.

  5. Something really elegant! LOL. No, seriously... If its work related, too, dress real conservatively! Have fun!

  6. wear like those lil red outfit

    with a lil skirt and a long sleeve shirt

    sorta like a girl version santa claus outfit

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