
I'm going to apply for a volunteer program?

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This is my first time how should i present myself and how do i answer the question "why should we choose you over others?" without playing down on anybody. Also if i get past the interview then i have to demonstrate something to them it's at a science center so i have to present and teach something. this is my first time so i'm real nervous.




  1. I would say just be yourself,tell them what you have to offer,that isent playing down anyone else,because they are going to pick the one that has the most to offer-NOT the one that says that he or she is better at one thing or another than someone else,all you can put out there is who you are and what you can do.If your a little nervous thats ok because i would wager that every one going out for it is,If you are confident in your abilities the rest will fall into place on its own.For the presentation part,I would research online,get your idea and then polish it buy trying it out on friends or family.Best of luck

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