
I'm going to ask her out! but then what???

by  |  earlier

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so im going to ask her out to go to a movie this friday! but after i do that should i call her later or what?? should i sit with her and stuff i don't know what to do all my other relationships where different!?!?!

also when i ask her out should i just go ahead and tell her i like her cause i want her to know that? At lunch she sits at the table behind me and we talk a little but more like in a group of people!





  1. ask her nd c wat says b4 jumpin ta fings nd den giv her a txt dat nite ta c hw she is!!

  2. David,

    Just by the fact that you are asking her out, gives her a hint that you like her.  But the real answer is that you should always be as honest as you can.  You will find that if you are going to have a relationship that last, you will have to be honest with each other.  Find out what she likes, and take note of those items.  It will serve you best in the future to remember what she tells you and to always be sensitive to her likes and dislikes.  Good luck.

  3. Talk to her. Hang out with her. Ask her questions and tell her about yourself. I'm pretty sure if you ask her out and start talking to her more she'll figure out you like her.  

  4. should you call her. should sit with her . doesn't sound like you've had other relationships to me . wait tell your grow up so you can answer these question you're self.sorry R.F.M.

  5. If she said yes to the friday night date, then yeah, call her and talk to her until that time.  Maybe just like touch base with her from now until then to make sure all is on.  Just be casual.  Then after the date if all goes well, tell her you want to spend some more time with her because you like her.  Tell her you will call her the next day or two and make plans with her for the two of you to get together for a bite to eat or a walk in the park.  If you feel comfortable enough, you can invited her over to your house and have a fire at night.  That sounds like fun and will give you two a chance to talk some more and get to know each other.  

  6. all i can say is say what you feel do what is right and make her happy. don't put the best foot forward but let her know who you really are. kaya mo yan!... take good care of her

  7. Don't tell her you like her. It gives her power in the relationship, to an extent, and she can turn you into a doormat of sorts. If this happens she'll lose interest. Don't just open up with emotion right away, wait a bit.  

  8. Ask her TODAY to go to the movies on Friday (don't wait until the last minute -- girls like making plans in advance of a date).  When she says yes, tell her that you will call her on Thursday night, and you and she can talk about which movie to see. When you talk on Thursday and decide on a showtime, tell her the specific time you will pick her up, and get directions to her house.

    She will probably know you like her, just from the fact that you are asking her out.  

    You don't really have to do anything different than your normal routine.  Sit with your friends, if that is what you normally do.  If you walk by her, smile and say hi, but don't hang all over her.  You will have plenty of time to talk to her on your date.

    BTW - I would suggest adding coffee or a burger to the movie date.  It will give you time to talk.  (And if you really like her, PAY for the date -- don't expect her to go dutch.  If you wait for her to pay, she will think that you are just platonic friends.)

    Good luck!

  9. I would say, tell her you like her, and do call her after the movie.  Girls like to be wooed.  Its part of how boys get girls to like them - if shes interested then the more you do, the more she'll like you.  If there's no chemistry then nothing you can do can change that, but if she agrees to go to the movies with you, then she's interested.  So the more you do after that, the better.  Its girls who should play hard to get, boys never should. Good luck

  10. well

    firstly you should ask her away from all the other people or she may feel embarrassed so just go up to her and say i need to ask you something then take her away just u two to the side or something tell her and then ask her out depending on her answer when u go to the movies yeah sit with her because that's the point of the date then just do what you fell comfortable chat and what not then definitely! call her the next day and suggest something else because if u don't call her for ages she wont think your keen

    hope i helped x

  11. well after the movie u could like go en get something 2 eat then ask her out afterwards

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