
I'm going to be Homeless;

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I'm going to be Homeless;

Can somebody help me ? I'm only 15 I shouldn't have to worry about these things; I'm not being kicked out; but my mom can't not live with these peoples anymore, I don't even know what to do I have anxiety; I've been thinking so much going out all of my brain cells; The people we live with we don't have any income; My mom knows little english; She doesn't really know how to read and write; & I'm over trying to look for a job; But I am not getting hired; & noone's willing to hire my mom; It's so stressful; Because I've been moving from place's to place' I feel like I have no where to go; I'm scared; I'm about to live in the streets I don't know where to get to now ? It's just me & my mom;




  1. Maybe a shelter until you guys can get on your feet.  

  2. aww try welfare

  3. 1. Stay with your Mom.

    #2. Let your Mom do what she can do. You do what you can do.

    So what can you do? You can help your Mom learn English because you are not only pretty good at that but you must be bi-lingual (speak 2 languages). She will learn English. You will learn teaching skills.

    No one will ever be able to take these away from you.

  4. Contact the Salvation Army.  They can help you right away.  

  5. if I were about to be homeless, I would be selling the computer i was on writing in yahoo answers to bide more time and get money.  there is hope.  sell what you have, do what you have to do.  you say your on welfare, but welfare in the US is a joke.  they dont help the ones that need it and they over compensate the ones abusing it.  go to a church, any church if you do not belong to one.  there are tons of places that will help, you just have to inquire because they dont make that public or else there would be so many people trying to abuse th churches as well.  gOOd luck.  i am so sorry you have to go through this, especially at such a young age.

  6. Wow... There is a simiar situation right here where I am at, and we collectively are taking care of a 15 year old boy.. He is on the streets and he stays with friends and we're colectively taking care of him... He seems to be doing ok, but I worry that he has nothing to look forward to and he is 2 years behind in his schooling.. which pretty much ruins his chance for a regular diploma since Florida has a maximum age of 19 to attend public school...

    I told him he needs to go to trade school....but thats another issue, the issue at hand here is YOU...

    First off, you can find assistance, you ned to go to the state for help... I have no idea where you are living and different states have different help available...

    I don't see how any state services could turn their back on a 15 year old... but you have to seek assistance, it's not going to come to you...

    Please email me with your city and I will try to help as much as I can...

    Don't freak out.... there will be plenty of time to worry, when it's time... right now your still ok....

    Good Luck... Peace

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