
I'm going to be a camp counselor for the first time. Anybody have advice on how to be a good one?

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I really want to be someone the kids can have fun with and yet discipline them if need be. Any suggestions would be helpful.




  1. How old are the kids?

    I've been going to summer camp for 8 years, and the thing I value most in a counselor is not playing favorites. It doesn't sound important, but make sure that you give equal attention and love to all of your campers. Also, enforce rules to a point-if it's not worth the trouble, let it go. My counselors used to do funny things when our bunk didn't wake up in pretend to be army generals in the morning (complete with army clothes and black facepaint and whistles) That got the point across in a friendly way! Enjoy your campers, make friends with them, form a relationship with all of them. Go out of your way to help them with any issues of homesickness or fights within the bunk. Most of all, relax! You'll love it.

  2. it's always cool when theres a council that everyone likes.Just like teachers in school, kids alwys listen very well to the teachers who have fun,even if they get hard work.i think u'll be just fine and if u make urself the coolest counsior out there and kids start saying hi to u, uv gained their respect and they will listen to u. im just a kid but know exactly how it works. Counselores in my school get alot of respect and listen and like the councel that gives them candy or somthing after visiting them. try it and HAVE FUN

  3. a big part of being a good counslear is not talking down to the kids, no matter what age, just talk to them and listen to them like they are humans.

    Good counslears tend to be the ones who just have fun, who don't hold back for fear of looking stupid, but who know how to keep contol of situations and not let them get out of hand. Staying positive even through difficult times is great to, the kids look up to you and if you are bummed out or in a bad mood they are going to be too, so try to look on the bright side. I have been lost in a forest for an hour with kids but we had a great time cause we looked at it like we were trail blazers making our own paths.  Plus if you keep positive even other staff members will and that will help keep the drama to a minium.

    Rememer campers come first, its about them and their having a good time, you have a good time comes second.

    Have a good time!

  4. When I turned 16, that was my first job.  Its so much fun...if you love kids.  But I worked with 5-6 year olds And they do get a little annoying sometimes.  What age group you working with?  But just enjoy them and have fun with everything.  During art and crafts, sit at the tables with them and join in on the fun.  Same goes for everything else.  During the different activites, trips and so forth.

    When they got loud and crazy, they didnt want to listen.  So I ended up buying little treats for the kids and brought them with me everyday.  Who ever did good got one like at lunch and then later in the day.  Something small, not too big.  But that worked and they all obeyed me for some reason.  Good luck and have lots of fun.

  5. Good luck with your first counselor job! I have been a camper, a counselor and a mom of campers. I think that the qualities that make a good counselor are having lots of enthusiasm, lots of fun ideas (maybe even a little wacky), and treating all of your kids with fairness. Try to make all of your kids feel that they are special to you and take time with each one of them, even the ones you might find annoying. Read up on games and crafts so that you have lots of ideas to fall back on. Be super patient. And remember, you are really going to be a role model for these children - so live up to your responsibilities. Have fun and good luck!

  6. Be involved, energetic and enthustiastic.  Don't just sit around with the other counselors while the children  just play on thier own - play with the kids.

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