
I'm going to be a freshman in the next week or so, any tips?

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These are the classes that I'll be taking:

• English

• Government/Economics

• Lab Physical Science

• Geometry

• Chinese OR Japanese OR Spanish (Japanese most likely, not sure yet)

• P.E. (Cross Country)

• Architecture

Most of them are "accelerated" courses.

I'll be entering a densely populated school (5,000~ students).

If anyone can post any helpful tips, Do's and Don'ts, what school supplies are helpful, that kind of thing, I'll very much appreciate it. :-)

Thanks in advance!




  1. I'm a junior in high school and depending on what school you are going to, high school is a lot bigger and more crowded... you also have to do a lot more to get good attention from harder and get good grades...because you NEED teachers to be on your good side because they are the ones who write recommendations for college. Use the first week of school to make friends, talk to the people who sit next to you in classes because most people don't know each other and its easier to make friends that way... remember that most everyone in nervous and excited so don't be afraid to show it.. also don't rely on others to start conversations because they usually don't... just remember to make friends during the first few weeks because once the first month passes its harder because everyone knows each other by then..and the worst part it so become a freshman outcast..harsh reality...but trust will be fine and you will love high school its a great opportunity and take full advantage of it! good luck!!!

  2. Step 1

    Take care when creating your class schedule that you commit to a comfortable balance of 'artistic' and 'scientific' classes to insure a wide variety of experiences. If you are having trouble finding a good balance, meet with your school counselor before you choose your classes.

    Step 2

    Think about how you tend to organize yourself outside of school. Do charts help you to keep things orderly? If so, make a chart for each class, which can be filled in with relevant details as the year progresses.

    Step 3

    Buy a miniature tape recorder to bring to class, especially if you are an 'audio' learner. You can study your notes from each class by replaying the tape.

    Step 4

    Devise a sample plan for doing homework. Will you study right after school, or wait until dinner ends? Finding a comfortable study time will insure more balanced and successful sessions.

    Step 5

    Buy your books ahead of time and read the first chapter to familiarize yourself with the topics you'll be learning.

    Step 6

    Dedicate one full notebook to each subject or class. Choose different colors for each class so you can find the right notebook easily.

    (I'm going into 9th grade too, next week. I live in NJ though)

    i hope I answered your questions

  3. First off, get yourself organized before school starts! Make binders with extra paper, pencils & other supplies before you go, this will make life SO much easier! Also, try to be social (not obnoxious!) with your other classmates & teachers, this will help you learn more (believe it or not :D) & be closer with everybody. Most importantly, don't stress! enjoy your high school years, you only get four! Have fun : & good luck :)

  4. when i was a freshman last year, all i used was a 1.5 - 3 inch ring binder, i had to change my binder 3 times as a freshman which is normal, just get a lot of lined paper, PENCILS! (teachers get pissed off when u dont have pencils or lined paper) dividers, blue pen red pen for english class, and DONT buy gym clothes! just use ur old clothes taht u  dont use at ur house

  5. 5,000 kids??? holy c**p! mine is like 1,000 or less!!!

    anyways Im a hey freshie! Those classes are pretty basic, english is easy, gov is basic knowledge, physical science is fun actually, geo is simple, for a language i would take Spanish...thats what I take. I think it would be more useful to you because it is a very common language in the U.S. and unless you plan on going to  China or Japan Spanish is the way to go....PE is very simple just play the dumb games and you'll pass....and we dont have Architecture at my school so idk about that one.

    ok as for upperclassmen....that would be me! dont freak out, some will be b!tches just because they have power over you...but most of us kno what you are going through and understand. so if you dont do anything to get noticed in a bad way we wont even pay attention to you. this is comming from EXPERIENCE just dont do anything to draw unwanted attention to yourself and you'll be fine....but there is no rule saying you shouldnt or cant befriend upperclassmen...when i was a freshie i made senior friends and my current bf who was a junior at the you really can become friends with older kids.

    your teachers will tell you what you need for class...dont forget to do your homework and'll be fine if you follow the rules.

    good luck this year!

  6. oh man those sound like great classes i think they will tell you what you will need for those classes in the first day.

  7. ya i just started school like last week im a freshman as well . idk if your school puts on a like an orientation or something to get you familiarized with the school or not. but if not then all i can say is to know where all your classes are and to stick with your friends and you'll be fine.  my school has somewhere around 5,000 kids too, so i kinda know what you goin through. good luck i hope this helped

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