
I'm going to be a freshman this

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alright if you guys saw my last question and answered it, thank you :]

okay, well this fall technically August 18 i will be attending high school as a freshman.

i feel nervous but i don't at the same time. are there any tips about homework and test taking? because thats my weakness next to making friends. i had to go to the school for the summer cause i had to take a class. i'm glad i did cause i made friends and acquaintances that might help me when school starts.

i fear that the upperclassmen might make fun of me cause i'm on the "big" side. and i fear that i might not make alot of friends.

if you were a freshman please tell me how you felt on the first day and how your freshman year was.

oh yeah i also met some of the teachers, they were really nice. and some of them knew my brother [he was class of '03] and one of the teachers was his classmate. but anyways yeah....

did you get lost on the first day? etc? cause i just know i'm going to get lost.




  1. it all works out in one way or another, don't let little things bother you. its high school, people don't make fun of you unless you do something idiotic or you p**s them off. do as much research as you can on the school so you can be prepared, and might actually not get lost

  2. oh its nothing to worry about its fun

  3. DONT STRESS!! :)

    Its a lot of Freshmens first days so you're not alone.  Go now to see where ur classes are.  My trick was too always introduce myself to the person sitting next to me.  lol.  I've made best friends by doing that and also good study buddies.  Just be calm and dnt sweat it, i promise its not as scary as you think!!!

    Good Luck, and wear a rockin outfit :)

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    Read, Love && Come back often.

  4. freshman year is nothing to worry about its kool:)

    Homework is kinda harder than 8th grade stuff but if you pay attention there will be no problem..

    Just dont listen too those mean people there imature laugh it off :)

    yeahh you might get lost but so does everybody else i mean your new too school but by the second day you will remember your classes..

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